
Please help! i had a night terror and i'm getting really scared.

by  |  earlier

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i had a night terror..i call it this because i heard these are what are worse than nightmares and bad dreams.

a night terror from my perspective is having a vision of something that seems real. i could've sworn my eyes were wide open and i saw something. i couldn't make out what it was..but it was so horrid that i woke up screaming bloody murder and crying. surprisingly my parents didn't hear me? which i thought was interesting. my throat is throbbing from screaming so loud and i already have strep throat so that doesn't help my throat. i know for a fact i screamed because my dog sleeps next to me and he jumped..didn't bark though..and he usually barks when he hears something in the middle of the night, which i also thought was strange.

i haven't had a night terror for about 3 months id say. i used to have them all the time when i was with my ex bf.

i feel like they are coming back and this one is the first of many and i'm really scared. i don't understand them..why it seems like my eyes are literally open and i see the object above me in my bedroom. it seems so real. i woke up not being able to breathe.

please help with any info on this and how i can prevent this from happening again..because its horrifying.

no rude answers please..i couldn't be more serious about this question.




  1. Read this passage of the bible Psalm 91:1-5 this speaks of the terror by night.

    Also Psalm 23

    Jesus is greater then our fears. He loves and died for you John 3:16

    Recite these out loud before going to sleep ask Jesus to save you from your sins and forgive you and ask Him to come into you r heart.

  2. Well...Sweetie this is a weird experience. What is the object?? You may not be religious however your best bet would be to pray to God (and mean it) and simply ask for this to be taken away. It's always worked for me cuz I've had bad experiences so good luck!!

    p.s. stay away from that bf- this may be two coinciding events for a purpose.

  3. im sure youre are very worried about this and im also sure that you know that you will never get an expert consultaion on yahoo... my GUESS is it has something to do with your boyfriend... please get an expert to help u out

  4. 1.Prey to .God befor u sleep to protect u.

    2.Check your breath system go see a doctor.

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