
Please help i have to be in court!!!!?

by  |  earlier

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i have to be in court monday and i didnt get no court papers i called and ask if i had to be there and what it was about and they said they cant release juvnile information over the phone but im 18. My grandmaw got court papers from the last court date saying its a victim review this is because i got in a fight when i was 15 and got charged with 4th degree assult and when i turned 18 i was drop out of social services care and i was relesed from the court dockect and if so why do i still have court if i was relesed? should i go since im not sure what it is about? please help?





  1. I would go in person early and talk to someone. Bring your I.D. and anything else you think you might need. Courts are backed -up and sometimes don't have current information. You need to know what's going on before you go before any type of court / judge. Good-Luck!!!!

  2. It sounds like who ever you got into a fight with waited until you turned 18 and are now trying to come back on you for compensation.

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