
Please help i just need to vent a little?

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Ok i have nobody to talk to so...

Anyways i have a girlfriend of 3 months now and we mess around a little like handjobs and oral and stuff and i was wondering if this is normal. We are both 18 by the way. I mean i feel really guilty after doing this stuff but i like to do it so much. I also have a paranoid problem thinking that somehow she is going to get pregnant without actually having s*x also. I really enjoy doing this but the feeling afterwards is so bad that i dont think its even worth it. We try to stop but when we are together we do it without even thinking. Its so hard to stop.

What do i do about this guilt and paraniod feeling and is this normal. Does anyone else feel this way? :/





  1. if you enjoy it, and she enjoys it, and you're both of age, what's the problem?  you don't have any reason to feel paranoid about it.  and if it's oral then your p***s isn't anywhere near where she could get pregnant.  talk to her but you're probably overreacting.  good luck.

  2. You are both bored.  Find something worthwhile to do, either a project that you can get really into, or a hobby.  Do not see her unless you are with a group and then go home afterwords.  You both deserve better.  Give each other your best.  Make yourselves fit to be of service to others and help the world be a better place.  

  3. If it don't feel right, don't do it. The best lesson I ever learned about s*x and sexual activities of any kind is that if it don't feel right, don't do it.

    Where is the guilt coming from? This is a big question that both you and your partner need to ask yourselves. maybe together, maybe alone. Think about whatever topic comes up (nerves, parents, religion, etc.) Go through every aspect of this reason, and decide if it's your thought, or someone else's thrust down upon you. Work through it little by little, and then you should feel your guilt dissipate.

    Best of luck to the both of yous. Make sure if you have s*x, to have SAFE s*x!

    Take care.... and remember to enjoy yourselves... and make sure your girlfriend enjoys herself too ;) it's more fun that way!

  4. I think to ease your feelings of this you need to talk to your girlfriend. Ask her how she feels about it.  Tell her how you feel about it.  If you both have a mutual understanding of what should happen when you get physical then it will ease your tension and guilt about the situation.  It's perfectly fine for you and your girlfriend to have a physical relationship as long as you're doing what both of you are ready for. This also means using different methods of birth control if you are not ready for a child and you want to take your relationship to the next level.  Just talk to her, she'll help ease your mind.

  5. Why feel guilty if your doing something thats natural, unless ur going against ur or her religion or parents wishes.

    And yes u can get pregnant without having intercourse

  6. Idk, maybe you're just not ready. Do what feels right, and if you're nervous about pregnancy, protect! Condoms never hurt anyone.

  7. your 18 and its completly normal, or better off doing that until you guys are married or she is on steady birth-control before you have s*x anyway. don't feel guilty. i think what your doing is great. s*x can wait. but you guys can still have fun and mess around without it

  8. first of all you are both 18 and of age.

    second sperm die when exposed to air so the likely hood of her touching you and getting a small amount of pre c u m on her hand and touching her self is very unlikely.

    third remember that swollowing   c u m can not get her pregnant. it has to go in the v****a not the mouth to get her pregnant.

    fourth if you are that worried have her on birth controm and when she it touching and all that just wear a condom. it may not feel the same but its worth the protection.

    and remember no matter how much you love soeone act like they are on birth control no matter what if they say its ok you dont ahve to use a condom i am on the pill still use a condom cause it just takes one day of forgetting to take the pill or not taking it on time to get pregnant. so just take the precautions.  

  9. If you cannot feel good about it afterward, you probably shouldnt be doing it.

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