
Please help! i need braces really badly and my parents cant afford 4000$?

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what do i do?




  1. mine cost $6,500. you should get insurance. my dad got this insurance company for me its united healthcare and its paid for by the state and it covered the whole amount. my dad didnt have to pay anything for me and my brother to get braces.

  2. Try a dental school if you are near one. It is considerably less than a dentist, the one I went to also took insurance and offered payment plans, so that helps a lot. You would have a student, or a resident assigned to you, and the doctor is there the entire time. They never did any work on me with out guidance and the doctor would step in when they felt necessary. So you have someone there who is really extremely qualified at a more reasonable price.

    I had a root canal done by a student, which I was scared was going to hurt like crazy since so many people said it was a painful proceedure, and the most discomfort I have felt was sore from having my mouth open for so long. I felt no discomfort during the proceedure. They were very professional, and I helped someone learn while getting excellent serivce.

  3. Well with my discount company it cost only $2200, still money, but less than $4000. The plan costs $19.95/mo for the family and they would get vision, chiropractic and prescription discount plans also.  They can email me if they are interested, and I'll give them more info.

  4. maybe ask the orthodontist for a certain easy to pay off plan. If that dosent work you can also ask your parents to maybe put away a certain amount of money each month so that after a few months you will have the money and you can get braces!

    Hope I helped :)


  5. man mine cost 6,500.....get a loan so they can pay it monthly or just ask the dentist to give u the monthly plan thats wat i did

  6. Move to England, we get it free.

    Or so I did, when I was 13.

  7. If they can't afford it, then they can't afford it.  Start saving your money and maybe you can have it done when you're 18.  Get a job with dental insurance, I had my son's teeth done and it only cost me $1500 out of my pocket.  I'm sorry for your circumstances, but that's the best I can offer.

  8. I was a big case for the dentist, I had really bad teeth, had 4 front teeth braces for 4 years then 2 years full mouth. cost my parents 10.500$ be lucky it's not that pricey compared to mine!

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