
Please help i need potty training advice?

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my sons 3 and a half but i cant seem to get him potty trained he says he doesn't want to use the potty or the bathroom ive been trying for about a year now but nothing seems to work he pees his pants if i take the nappy off hes really bright so i know he knows hes meant to go potty he just wont i can start him in nursery until hes trained ive try ed stickers rewards presents has any one got any other ideas




  1. yes you need to call him a big boy and say big boys don't do that. if that doesn't work then promise him you will take him to his favorite place if he goes potty

  2. Target practice - - my son loves it when I throw some cheerios or fruit loops in the toilet and then he takes aim.  I can't get him to #2 on the potty but this works for peeing.  He's 2 &1/2 and will come and let me know if he has to go b/c he loves this game. Good Luck

  3. the way i trained my son and this may sound strange but it worked, i took  a five gallon green bean can cut the edges real good and cleaned it out good put cotton around the rim and let him go for it , i don't know why but it was something about that noise when he would tinkle in that can that kept him going to that can,he's 19 years old and haven't  had a problem since he was 2

  4. you could try- every so often to remind him in a variety of ways the differences between a baby and a 'big boy'.  ask  him questions that he will answer like: do babies where diapers? he will say yes, then ask well are you a baby? babies drink from bottles, they sleep in cribs, they need help to eat etc. so thru out the day you can point out these little differences- without negativity or critisism.

    you can go a step further sometiimes and begin a meal by starting  to feed him, or pull out the old highchair and tell him- oh i thougt you were a baby. ask him at every diaper change if he is a baby? if he says no then ask why he wears a diaper and not big boy undies? ask does mom and dad wear them?

    has he tried pull ups to learn about pulling them up and down? have you taken him shoping to pick out his own undies?

    another idea is trying to encourage him to give a voice  for  favorite teddy bear.  asking your  son things like do you think teddy is hungry? tired? what does teddy want to do now? would he like to come for a walk with us? we shouldask him to use potty before we can hold teddy yourself and pretend success and  do the biggest happy dance with the doll  and give it hugs and praise as you  would to your son.  if son insists teddy doesnt want to or have to 'go' ask son for the reasons why...if you can get him to share this info it could very well be a reflection of his own hesitations.

    i wish you all the best of luck. hope this helps

    btw i really like suzy sunshines answer-

  5. Tell him when he goes that you will have a party for him. Let him pick a theme, for my son it was "Batman". I just bought a few noisemakers and some silly string. As soon as he goes, bring the party to the bathroom! Worked like a charm for us! Hope this helps!  

  6. Victoria, you need to stop and change EVERYTHING about your approach to potty training.

    Were he two, using sticker to reinforce a comprehensive plan would be a fine idea but because this has done on so long it is time for the cajoling and asking to stop.

    Tomorrow, your son will use the toilet.

    Don't ask him, don't even make a big deal about telling him. Discard every diaper you own (pull ups or their local equivalent are diapers btw) and get an egg timer.

    It will be best to stick close to home for the first few days but be sure to plan lots of activities and expect to have an easy pleasant time.

    Lay out underwear with his clothes in the morning and go about your day. Set the egg timer so that it goes off ever twenty minutes and have him go and visit the bathroom when it rings. You can show him how to re-set the timer so that he has a more active role.

    Give him a lot of liquids, even give something that is normally forbidden like juice or soda to get him to drink more.

    Expect that you will go through several changes of clothes. Do not who any negative emotion when he has an accident, just instruct him to go and get cleaned up and changed. Let him do this on his own but do find something to do nearby if he hasn't been in the habit of running his own baths.

    Be fairly matter of fact about he whole thing but make a point of mentioning that he's doing a good job using the bathroom at the end of the day.

    When he sees that you are not going to use diapers and that he is in charge of using the bathroom he will comply with the new requirement.  

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