
Please help i need to know ?

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how much does it cost for a vet to just look at my kitten to see if there is anything wrong with her? she wont eat anything. i have been force feeding her water threw a bottle so she doesn't get dehydrated . and she was eating soft food fine a couple of days ago . and now she wont play or eat . all she wants to do is sleep and cry . I CANT stand to see her like this please help ! i really appreciate it . xox thanks. and that when they were both eating but the first pic u looked at is the one that randomly stopped eating please help. she looks really skinny now and not healthy at all . well the other one is healthy and pretty big.




  1. Please, please, please get her to a vet. If you can't afford to take her to a vet you shouldn't have pets.

  2. If you really need to know, call and inquire.  It can't hurt to call and could speed up the arrival of the help she needs.

    Best of luck.

  3. It wouldn't cost much i don't think. Maybe since she is too young to leave her mother. Or is she new? Usually on their first weeks of being with a new owner they cry...a lot. Maybe shes not eating because shes sick or not supposed to eat cat food yet and supposed to be having milk from her mother. I hope I help and I hope your cat feels better!

  4. since its late and shes not eating or hasnt been, id be quite worried at this point so little with no food could cause harm fast. maybe you have a 24 hr grocery store or a walmart near you, but go to the pet section and get kitten milk, dont feed her human milk - thats not good for her stomach at all. you said water bottle, they have the little milker bottles for kittens too. hopefully this helps. if not, youll take her to a vet, depending where you go and where you live, 50ish dollars for the initial visit im estimating, and then they will want you to pay for the shots and stuff like that. PetsMart in buffalo has a clinic inside if you want to go there, they can offer you a program to help pay for it. What. Else. Oh, and if you go to a vet they can force you to pay for shots and what not even if that wasnt in your plan because its technically illegal for you not to give ur kitten all the first shots it needs. I remeber the stray i picked up ended up costing me about 500 cuz he was sick - my other two strays, i got some shots and meds, and its was came to about 80. so, id go in expecting to pay a chunk of change. maybe not, its up to you girl, hopefully your baby starts eating. Give her a Snuggle for me!!   -  

  5. Not sure your area, but most vets will offer a discount for services, or will let you make payments if you explain your old is the kitten? Pet stores offer kitten feeding systems so they get proper nutrition thru bottles or droppers, if she is just sleeping or crying, there is an obvious problem so the vet is the best's tough with strays as you don't know her mom's history...your local shelter can offer services, discounts, advice, etc, don't hesitate to use them as they have soft spots for people who take in strays!!  good luck as it seems like you truly care and want the best for her...

  6. Most vets charge about $40 for an office visit. Then any tests or medications are extra.  Call around and see but hurry. If she's not eating, it's pretty serious.  I always keep $200 put aside for pet emergencies. I am lucky my vet doesn't charge an office fee.  He charges for medication and tests only. Look for an SPCA or Humane Society Clinic. They are usually cheaper.

  7. I wish I could really help you but with kitten's, especially strays it could be many things. Parasites, Viruses, worms or disease, without actually checking her out myself there's an endless amount of probables and maybes...

    A vet would be the only way...

    Depending on the age of the kitten which doesn't seem very old, it could need it's shots, which if you take it to the vet will cost you around a hundred dollars on top of whatever examining, tests and blood-work they decide to do to try and figure out what might be wrong. And potentially medications, could cost hundreds.

    No offense but if you take in animals you have to be able to set aside money to pay for what they need. It could be a simple cold, or it could need thousands of dollars worth of testing and meds..

  8. Please take it to a vet anyway. If you really can't afford it the vet may still check it out or refer you to someone who will.

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