
Please help i need to know why?

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so last week on thursday my tooth was hurting really bad but i also have braces but i told my mom and she called the dentist, a few hrs later and i went in and he said that im getting baby catvites, so he wanted me to come back next week but the pair was bad so i stayed

as he was drilling he said it looked worse then it thought, and it was hurting because my nere was spazing, so he just put a temp. filling so the nerve could calm down, so its been sore and senstive since sat. which he said whould happen, but then this morning i woke up in kinda of pain looked in the mirror and my whoe cheek is swollen..

what can this be

im sorry its long im just very worried and scared




  1. best bet is an abscess.  If the tooth is a baby tooth the abscess usually appears as a swelling near the gumline.  On adult teeth, the swelling is usually further down the root.

    Baby tooth- abscess = extraction

    Permanent- abscess = root canal

  2. It's pretty hard to answer this due to its medical nature, and really, you should only take medical advice from a professional.  Swelling can occur when a nerve is exposed or aggravated as a way for the mouth to protect the area, or it can be a symptom of infection.

    Your best bet is of course to see the dentist again.    

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