
Please help. i need your opinions if you know anything about ED's?

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I have been a resident at a mental health adolescent unit for the past two months, i was put in with a case of severe depression.

I was diagnosed by the doctor there with an eating disorder, about three days ago, and it is really bothering me, as i had never thought of myself to have an actual eating disorder. Funny eating perhaps, but not a disorder.

These are the reasons he used to diagnose me, and to begin treatment for it:

I have days on end where i hardly eat, not because im starving myself, just because i am not hungry, and then suddenly i will be starving, and eat and eat and eat.

Often during these "binge" times, i make myself sick afterwards, sometimes to ease the discomfort of my stomache, sometimes through guilt.

I've gone through phases of using laxatives, something i did not admit to my doctor, but is probably important

I get obsessed with certain foods. For example, when i was little, i ate a marmite sandwich three times a day, for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Then one day just hated them, and havnt eaten one since. I have done this with thousands of different foods/meals over the years.

I am very weight concious, very self concious.

I am five foot 10, I weight 9 and a half stone, wich, in my opinion, is far too much. I hate certain parts of my body, and i try to cover them up

I can wake up some days, and get all dressed up, but then look in a mirror, and start to cry. I will instantly change into a baggy jumper and shorts.

I suppose I am preocupied with food, i am obsessed with it, even though I dont eat much of it.

It plays on my mind very much.

If i eat even the tiniest bit of lettuce, i will be convinced it has made me put on stones, and i have to get it out of my system

either by hours of excercise, or making myself throw up.

I hide food, and wont eat infront of other people.

It sounds kind of. bad when i put it like that

but. i mean. im not skinny enough to have an eating disorder

i ate a lot today,

and i mean. i dont know.

im 13. its just...well to me its just teenage weight obsession.

can you please tell me your opinions.




  1. Yeah, that's an ED Hun.  And you don't need to be skinny to have one just so you know.  Lots of girls take their "teenage weight obsessions" much to far.  

    I use to starve myself for a few days at a time and then pig out only to make myself puke right afterwards.  In 3 months I developed 10, yes 10, cavities in my teeth from stomach acid.  I also started randomly passing out because my body was running on empty.  I knew better than to do that to myself but it made me feel GREAT.  It was one thing I could control.  When my Mom tried to kill herself or when my Dad got caught growing weed I couldn't do anything for them, but I could punish myself.  Plus everyone was telling me how great I looked!  I had lost 40 pounds in 3 months, believe it or not!

    I stopped after my sister moved in with me.  I didn't have as much privacy.  I was running the shower one night and she unlocked the door and walked in on me bent over the toilet with a toothbrush in my hand.  After that I started getting nocturnal panic attacks and the humiliation of being caught scared me into eating again.

    I'm so thankful I stopped.  ED's can KILL people.  Your body's main need is FOOD, and when you starve yourself you're damaging your growth, muscle structure, mind, and every organ in your body.  At least you're somewhere where you can get help.  Best wishes Hun.

  2. What you've described sounds like bulemia.... google it and you

    ll get heaps of info. You can be fat and have an eating disorder... ED's are not necessarily about your weight but about your eating habits and your perception of food.

  3. sounds like someone at some piont in you life said something to you that made you feel  inadequate and ugly/fat....and you are trying to fit in...who are you really trying to compare yourself to ?

    This is not normal teenage weight obsession

    ( you were a resident at the mental Health unit  remember ? )

    you need to stop thinking about food all the time.....go enjoy life /friends/films/outdoor sports/

    Food is fuel for the body  nothing else ..try looking at it this way need a certain amount daily and no more..get with a nutritionist and get on a set meal plan and stick to it.   remember Food is fuel for the body  nothing else ....then go and do something fun with your friends.

    You are a beautiful 13 yr old.....stop judging yourself so  harshly  in the mirror --everyone is different and you are still changing and so is your body.One day you will be a beautiful woman. Food is fuel for the body  nothing else  

  4. You don't have to be skinny to have an eating disorder, and it is normal to be a bit obsessive about weight when you're a teenager.  However, what you're describing does sound like an ED.  It's hard to admit.  I struggled with EDs for almost 10 years, it's still a struggle now.  It took me a while to admit to myself that my obsession was a problem.  Take it one day at a time and don't get hung up on the lable.  Good luck.

  5. EDs?  Ask Bob Dole.


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