
Please help .. i really need help ? what shall i do ?

by Guest65112  |  earlier

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my BFF mom died yesterday by a car accident .. she called me today and she was likecrying and begging me to stay with her these few days , but the problem is my mom doesnt let me go to my friend house .. we always had a fight about it .. please tell me what to do please she needs me :S




  1. Talk to your Mom.   She may let you go because of the circumstances.  If not, see if your BFF can come to your house instead.

    If your Mom doesn't allow it, you can still "be there" for your BFF by talking on the phone with her.

  2. Talk to your mom and tell her what happened...

    Why can't you go? What will happen?

    If not, I'd just sneak out... I mean really, comforting a friend is the best thing you can do.

  3. I'll pray for your friend.  I hope your mom lets you go.  If you can't, talk to her on the phone a lot and send her a nice card or note.  And pray for her.  

  4. How old are you? If you are 18 you go. If not you stay.

  5. tell your mum what has happened and tell her your friend needs you. then ask if you can go.

  6. Ask your mother if she can come over for a few days, then. It'll be even better that way, because it will get her away from all the things that will remind her, and which would rub salt on the wound.

    Hope that helps.

  7. See if she can stay at your house.

  8. Your BFF probably needs both you and your mother right now.  Why not both of you go to her.  Possibly it will be agreed for you to stay or her to come home with you.

    This would seem better options.

  9. Wow I will be praying for her family and for you. What I would suggest is having your friend come over to your house; staying in a house with all those memories is very painful. I'd bring her over and make something- maybe make her dinner for a week because when you go through grieving like that it's always helpful when people make food for you. I'd rent some of your favorite movies. If you're religious pray with her or go to your guys' Church. Your friend will appriciate you being supportive. Also help her keep up in school, it's so hard to keep up in school when stuff like that happens. Encourage her to do activities to get her mind off of the pain and counseling if necessary. Good luck and God Bless! :hearts;

  10. Go and stay with her, I suppose.

  11. Pray, praying helps, a lot, and The problems between your mom and you will solve too, if you pray from within your heart!

    God Bless You

  12. i'm so sorry for that......i think is that you should go to your mom and try to have a little talk with her. tell her let go of it. cuz if you don't she will never go to heaven.probably she will let you go to your friends house.


  13. Explain the situation to your mom. In this instance she will probably change her mind. God bless!

  14. If the reason why you mom will not let you go is because she is a bad influence on you, then you might have to examine your motives before you go. I think that in times of need, sometimes parents don't always get it right. Pray about it, talk to your parent, and then make a decision

  15. Tell her you're sorry but your mother will not allow you to go.

  16. i am very sorry,  i think your mom would understand this time if not maybe she can come with you for a few days or tell her you will have to just keep calling to talk to her.

  17. Precious one - I am so sorry for your friend's loss. Please tell your mother what happened and see if she will go with you to visit with your friend... perhaps to take some food to her so she won't have to cook.

    Does your friend go to church? If you know which one, you should call and ask what they know are her greatest needs right now and communicate THAT to your mom too.

    See if your mom would agree to having your friend come to your home for a while.

    Meanwhile - keep in touch by phone - and even write to your friend anything you can think of to be comforting in this time.

    Remain in prayer for them - and ask your Minister - if you have one - to keep them in prayer as well.


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