
Please help i think im crazy !?

by  |  earlier

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I think im going crazy..I get soo angry over the smallest things i start screaming throwing stuff and crying, im currently on anti-depressants but don't think thats whats wrong with me is there a more serious sickness i could have or is this normal ?




  1. You need anger management, either self-help or professional help from others.  

  2. You dont mention if you are currently recieving any talking therapy like counselling or cbt.  If you're not then I suggest going to your doctor and asking to be referred to one. Anti-depressants can help to an extent but therapy can help with underlying issues that are causing your emotional problems and help you improve your thought patterns and manage your anger.  Good luck.

  3. the antidepressants are causing this.

  4. If therapy isnt working, you should find someone else. You need to find a counsellor who you really click with. You didn't say how long you've been getting therapy for or been on the medications for. It can take time, so be patient. Therapy can seem hard and useless in the beginning but eventually pay off as you start discovering the root of the problem. There is no quick fix I'm afraid, you just need to hang in there.  

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