
Please help!! i think my guniea pig is......

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what is wrong with my guniea pig, he has been sneezing alot. like about 11 times in a half hour. i am really scared for him! please help me what is wrong with him. oh he just sneezed! what is wrong????




  1. in the morning try and bring him to the vet it is proably nothing searois dont worry !!!!!

  2. Well for males alot of sneezing means it is sick or it is getting old. If it continues for 5 more weeks, you might want to take it to a vet. It probaly needs its shots for an allergic reaction to its food.

    Hope this helps you...

  3. it could have a cold which can be fatal for guinea pigs if not treated quickly. if it has mucus coming from its nose and diorreah or stops eating and starts to breath heavily then it is more serious and needs to be treated even faster. good luck with you guinea pig

  4. He may have URI. Find a good vet

    Allergies are rare. Pet stores are not vets. They would only try to sell you harmful products.

  5. Animals can get colds and allergies. Small animals tend to sneeze several times in a row and more often than people do. I do know, however, that small animals tend to get very sick very fast and it may be a good idea to bring your guinea pig to a small animal vet right away.  

  6. it could be his bedding try changing it, and if you have pine or cedar bedding try buying bedding made out of papers they have it at pet stores, wood bedding can bother there senses, it doesn't sound serious but if he keeps it up take him to the vet he may just have a cold they get colds just like people do, good luck

  7. Maybe your guniea pig has a cold.

    Take him to the vet.

  8. i would take him to a vet asap jsut incase he might just have a simple guinee pig cold! LOL i would take him to an animal doctor!

  9. He may very well be allergic to the bedding. If you just changed the bedding to a different type, or the bedding was sitting outside, change it immediately and see if it gets better. My gerbil (I know, not the same) had something like this and changing the bedding helped a lot but then he started sneezing a little bit so we asked a person at the local pet store of what we could give to him and they let us buy some medicine and he got better. Your pet could also have a cold, which may clear up in time.

    If nothing else works, take him to the vet.

    Hope this helps! =)

  10. he might be alleric to the bedding or somthing in your house that is new.But if you get really conserned take him to the vet or pet store!

  11. alot of times they get respiratory infections. make sure you are cleaning his cage out. if he is sneezing alot , id take him to the vet. he probably needs some medicine if he has an infection already

  12. He's probably just allergic to something near him, or could be allergies. =//

    Good luck and i hope everything goes well. =)

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