
Please help... i went to public school until recently and now am homeschooled but...?

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I dont know if i want to go back to school. Some days i think about it and i really miss all the people but some days i think about how it used to be and i dont ever want to go back. Im in high school. I wasnt bullied or anthing liike that. I just didn tlike how there was so much free time and we barely did work it was so much social time and none of my friends were in my classes so i just sort of sat there... & my parents are leaving the decision up to me.. idk what to ddo. please help!!




  1. I think the issue of procrastination is the one that needs adressing here.  I have a daughter who is 21 soon, she was homeschooled and at about 14 she began to procrastinate dreadfully instead of applying herself to her studies.  Obviously this wasn't very acceptable so I began a reward system for her. We would decide together how much schoolwork could reasonably be accomplished each month and at the end of the month if all of the work was finished with good marks, I would buy her a small reward.  Just something small like lipgloss or an eyeshadow.  It helped because it gave her something concrete to work towards.  Also at the end of the half year if everything was finished on time I would  buy her a pair of jeans or a top.  Maybe some people would construe this as bribery but it helped her through a difficult phase and she learnt to be responsible for getting the work done without nagging or lecturing.  Just an idea !!!

  2. you should go back to public. its a better experience and its better for your social skills. and you can always make new friends. hope this helpss =]

  3. You have rec'd several good responses, I hope those will help you with your issue. I home school my children and have trouble with organization and applying myself and them, but you know ,I think now is a great time to find out what it takes to motivate yourself, especially since your parents aren't going to/can't do it for you.

    I feel that I have learned so much about myself and my children that has helped us in many ways....academically being one of them. I have learned more in how to motivate them and how to get them at their best, all learned out of neccesity.

    I'd love to see you take this as a great opportunity to find out more about yourself and grow in the process.

    Best wishes!!

    Don't forget that the internet is full of useful info. and resourses as well as cool videos and etc.


    i went to school1 but then there was this 'problem' you mite call it, it was nothing really i was just naive and a bit worried about whether i was going to fit in now that me and my friend moved into this group so i figured changing schools would be easier. so i changed sckools over nothing really and then went to school2. over that year at skool2 i matured and 'grew up' i guess u could say and i'm not ignorant anymore. but skool2 was last year and then this year my mum said briefly 'your marks were a little better at your old skool where ur brother is, do u want to go back?' i'd never cosidered goign back just because u know that was my past..  but then i thought about it and it was a tough decision but I FOLLOWED MY HEART and now i'm back at skool1. i dont praticularly like it, but i dont regret it for a second. thats just me tho, i believe everything happens for a reason and following my heart was the right thing to do.. so even though i'm not THAT happy, i'm pretty okay with it all, its good(: you know i say i hate the skool but i dunno its not bad, its OKAY. i made the right decision and thats the main thing. I FOLLOWED MY HEART, my gut knew that i wanted to go back even tho my hed kept making me unsure..


    good luck (:

  5. Sounds like you are looking for an easy way out of going to school.  Since you procrastinate I would say the structure of regular public school is the way to go.  If you want less social time and more studies ask your parents if you can go to a private school.  I think going back to regular school would be better for you.  You will get more out of it both socially and educationally.

  6. If you're just missing your friends you need to try to arrange to get together with them at weekends (poor things are probably up to their eyeballs in homework weekday evenings).

    There's no easy answer for procrastination and what helps one person may not help another. Maybe you need to set yourself a timetable and work where there are no distractions, or decide on a 'reward' when you've got the next piece of work done. You might as well learn what works for you now because when you go away to college or get a job you can't count on other people to make you get things done (unless you want a job where your every move is watched and your boss treats you like a child).

  7. Home school is pathetic, go back to public school.

  8. It's normal to have the "grass is greener on the other side" feelings. It's part of growing and learning to leave things behind. When you think of how it is really going to be, you don't want to be there, do you? That's reflective of what you know within. The wistfulness of the good things means you are capable of still seeing the good that came out of it, even if the bad outweighed the good. Nothing wrong with that.

    But you have a choice to make: you can keep focusing on the wistfulness and the lack, or you can decide to focus on the positive in your homeschooling--or create more positive in your homeschooling--so that the wistfulness won't be that tempting. If you procrastinate a lot and want help with that, partner up with your parents or a friend to help keep you on track. If you don't know any other homeschoolers, FIND SOME. Get out of the house during the day--field trips, get-togethers, something. Doesn't have to be every day, but often enough so you don't feel tied to the house and you get your need to be with other people met.

    Do know it's normal to have a big adjustment period after leaving school in order to be homeschooled. Completely different lifestyle and it can take some time to really get the hang of it. Just keep trying!

  9. Sorry.  I know you won't like this....but here goes.  It does not sound like a problem with public school, nor homeschool.  It sounds like a maturity problem.  Personally, I would work with my child one on one to draft a contract with a schedule and hold you to it.  We would agree upon a measurable outcome within a defined period of time and if you were not able to pull yourself together and get the work done....I WOULD MAKE THE FINAL DECISION and it would indeed be final.   Now, if your parents are not willing to take control of your situation then you have to make some decisions.  

    What are your goals for this year, high school and beyond?  WRITE THEM DOWN!

    Under each goal, write down what you MUST do to achieve them.  Come up with a plan, a measurable way to assess achievement and a time limit.  WRITE IT DOWN.  

    Now seriously sit down and think about whether you have enough self discipline and maturity to do what must be done to accomplish these goals at home.  If not, you need to head back to school, or look at an on line virtual program that will hold you accountable.  

    If you are simply worried about socializing,  did your friends fall off the face of the earth?  They are not in school 24 hrs./day.  Visit after school.  

    Sorry about the tone, but I hold my kiddos responsible for their work.  If they waited around to have stuff spoon fed to them.......they would grow awfully old waiting!

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