
Please help! iam scared!?

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i have a bigg fear of death. it prevents me from doing alot of fun things with my friends. i really want to get over this! any advice.




  1. get a therapist/gun license

  2. Don't worry about it. I get the exact same thing. Especially when I watch movies where the world ends or moves on ext. It makes me cry for hours and I can't sleep without looking at my mum. I know what you feel like but just think of it this way...why waste your life worrying about death, when you could spend your life having a good time and living life to the full, so that when you are approaching death you can look back at all the amazing things that happened to you in your whole life.

    Hope this helps x

  3. don't be scared just go out with ur friends & have fun otherwise u might lose ur friends  

  4. Nobody should fear death,have fun.

  5. you shouldnt fear death death is just a part of life but your young so enjoy everyday that you are alive when you wake up thank the lord that you are alive and ask him to help you though your day!

    p.s. dont worry be happy! :)

  6. You should be safe in everything you do. But you do need to live make sure it's safe then try it. don't go doing anything to crazy though, but I am  a firm believer in you are going to die when God says no matter what else happens you won't go until then. have fun

  7. No one wants to die, sweetie!

    I can understand how you feel, but instead of your fear holding you back, make it inspire you to live every day.

    Hopefully you'll have so much fun that you won't worry about it.

    Hope this helps,


  8. stop thinking about it or go see a psychologist

    this is bad

  9. you could watch fight club but idk what that will do it kinda has some points i guess

  10. I was too after my friend died but I realize that I can't live life like this. One day we will all die. So just slowly start doing things you like. Talk to a doctor and maybe you can find the root of why you are scared and work on that.

  11. try it first?

  12. well do everything who cares about death?if i die tomorrow i wouldn't care because i don't want to go to school :)

    no,really just go on with it just look forward to it then you will feel disappointed of death because it doesn't happen fast enough.and if you die you won't feel it,unless you're torture to death,wich i doupt it'll happen.just go on, i mean who cares.

  13. Therapist or get a counselor or find out the reason to why your scared of death all the time.  

  14. When you wanna do something with your friends just repeat to yourself: "I'm not going to die!" And i think you should talk to a therapist!

  15. well hon, your gonna die some day... so enjoy life while you can! be thankful for waking up every morning alive  :o)

  16. Try getting some counseling.  My wife has severe, irrational fears of loads of things, from alien abduction, to ghosts, to being murdered in our home.  It can be hard to overcome at times, but try to realize that it is an irrational fear (unless your friends are playing chicken with a train, and that's why you're afraid of dying!).

  17. your gonna die eventually, don't live you life scared of the inevitable

  18. talk to a psychiatrist

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