
Please help if you've ever been pregnant!!?

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Ok, so at 20 weeks, my little girl weighs 13 oz already!! Online it says she should only weigh 10oz and everyone I know who has been pregnant or is pregnant only got 10oz also. My due date is certain, as the measurements lined up and I've had several ultrasounds. She's my first baby!! Anyone else have a big baby this early on? What were their birth weights? Thanks!!




  1. I wouldn't worry about it.  Ultrasound weight measurements are up to 20% off, so I am sure your baby is right on track.  

  2. It's only 3 oz bigger, babies grow at different rates. By 3oz I don't necessarily think your baby is going to be big at birth.  

  3. At 23 weeks with my son he measured 1lb 6 ounces, and in this baby book i have it says tha baby weighs a pound.  he was a big baby when he was born, but he was a week late.  he  was 8 pounds 8 ounces and 20.5 inches long, although the nurse told my husband that she thought he was longer because she couldn't stretch him out.  He didn't looked like he weighed that much and people couldn't believe me when i told them he weighed that much.  they thought he only weighed 6lbs cause he was so skinny.  ANYWAY i think your baby is just fine it'll prolly be average weight so don't worry about it!

  4. its not that much bigger i wouldnt worry hun her weight might slow down later on  

  5. At my 20 week ultrasound my little girl was right on target with the weight but was a few inches longer than normal. Everything else was normal at that point, but then at my 25 week appointment the doc said my uterus is measuring a few inches higher than it's supposed to. Apparently it's pretty normal, if you're only a couple inches off it's not really a big deal.  

  6. its only a 3 ounce difference..better for her to be to big then to be to small right?

  7. u know, these so-called "measurements" are just rough guides, at my first 12-week scan i was told that my daughter had a big head, i laughed and said "ya thats her dad haha" but the nurse looked worried tho. they said nothing else for the remainder of my pregnancy, and i was shitting it then in case it was down-syndrome r anything else and they werent telling me, when i delivered her naturally at 38 and a half weeks she was only 5lbs 10ozs and had a small skinny body and a small-sized head but perfect for her body and pure healthy and nothing at all wrong. dont get too upset if its only guesswork on their half!!!

  8. Ok, well my baby weighed 14 oz. when i got my 20 weeks checkup, and he was a lil big at that time but he has slowed down and is right on schedule now,lol. So, i wouldn't worry bout it everything will be fine. I am 33 weeks and he weighs 4lbs. 1oz.

  9. Congratulations!!! Ok first calm down, if something was wrong your doctor would have found it.  Second, every pregnancy is different, so expect the unexpected.  Being pregnant is a fabulous thing enjoy it while you can and let the doctors do the rest.  When I was pregnant my belly was twice the size of a normal pregnancy and that concerned me, but my doctor didn't have any issues really about.  Of course when I gave birth my son was 9lbs 9.13 ozs.  Just relax and enjoy the baby growing inside you

  10. All 3 of my children were born early, as early as a month and all at least weighing 8.6lbs.

    They were all big babies from early on.

    My last son had to be taken by cesarean at 34 weeks and he was 10lbs. I myself am only 5' and at that time I was not over 130lbs.

    Not to scare you but babies are never a specific size, there is no cookie cutter weight at any given date.

    I wouldn't stress over 3oz. I would stress more if she was underweight.

  11. First of all, CONGRATULATIONS on your pregnancy!!!

    Don't worry about those measurements. They are just guesstimates, and they are often WAYYYY off.  Plus, two different doctors might get two different measurements. Chances are her growth will slow down, and she will be normal size for you when she is born.

    My baby always measured ahead and was big for how far along I was. Then when she was born she was 8  pounds 6 ounces, which is pretty normal. And she was two full weeks (14 days) past the due date. So if she would be have born on time, she would have been pretty small.

    You should make sure you get tested for gestational diabetes and make sure that's not a factor. This test is routine, and I'm sure they will do this for you in a few weeks.   I

    Take care of that little one growing inside of you and be happy she is thriving and doing so well!!! This is a good thing.

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