
Please help if you can? Need opinions♥?

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Can someone please tell me how I am doing with my eating today? PLease, any suggestions on what to change would be appreciated.

Breakfast-8:00 am-frosted mini wheats cereal with fat free milk-270 cals

Snack-10am -3 large strawberries, bottle of water

Lunch-12noon-salad topped with a little bit of grilled chicken and a homemade italian dressing-unknown cals. , bottle of water

Snack-2pm -Banana

snack-4pm-handful of cashews, bottle of water

Dinner-6:30pmchicken noodle soup, bottle of water-160 cals

So what do you think? And how many cals ddo you think that totals?




  1. Look ideally you should be getting around 1,200 calories a day. But besides that fact its not quite important how many calories you eat, its all about how many you burn in a run of a day. Exercise beats any eating diet any day.

  2. 1 gram carbs = 4 cal

    1 gram protein = 4 cal

    1 gram fat = 9 cal

    Counting calories doesn't work. Here's what you're actual intake would be.

    Breakfast- carbs ( BAD )

    Snack- natural sugar ( GOOD )

    Lunch- protein, veggies, fat ( GOOD )

    Snack- fat ( BAD )

    Snack- fat, carbs, sodium ( BAD )

    Dinner- protein, carbs,sodium, sodium, sodium ( BAD )

    Balanced meals

    Breakfast- protein, carb, fat, fruit

    Snack- protein

    Lunch- protein, carb, veggie, fruit

    Snack- protein

    Dinner- protein, carb, veggie, fruit

  3. You are doing around 750 cals today. Good for you.

  4. @ 650 cal.

  5. Probably totals about 1100 calories at the should be eating at least 1200 ideally...

    Perhaps try having some more vegetables with your dinner.

  6. You need to improve your breakfast. this is the most important meal of the day, a good cal intake at this meal will help you to keep up your strength all day long and help with those snack habits. the types of food also have to do with the digestive system and how it effects you during the day.  Even though you cut back on some things you need to eat more of the other to help digest  the important dietary needs for you bodies system.The cal intake needs to be equal at the end of the day., not all burned up but some stored for the time you sleep as well. You can't sleep well if you are hungry or if you just ate before you lay down to sleep. Plenty of water will keep your system flushed but don't forget about milk and other liquids that help with the digestive system. Eat well and stay healthy , keep your diet equal and feel better.Cal's and vitamins work together to keep every thing working , so stay on track with them all, it should help.

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