
Please help if you understand pregnancy tests! x?

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I think i myt b pregnant. two weeks ago (14th day in to my cycle) i had unprotected s*x. Since then i've take 3 preggers tests 2 days before due (2) and this morn (due on tday) ...

the two i took 2 days ago came out negative and i just figured it was to early to tell and tday i took the 3rd and within 2 minutes there was a very faint pink line faint but visible. The 2nd line to show the test was workin came up straight away and is extremely dark purple... I'm due on tday and nothing happening so far re period.. however due to my recovery of an eating disorder some periods can come up to 8 days late.

I've been feeling different as in nausea when i wake up that lasts a little while, cramps/'twinges on my left hand side above my hip bone and i think my b*****s are starting to fill out a little i know it's very early on for symtoms though so these are probs not related if pregnant...

i've had no implantation bleeding.

What do you guys think? x




  1. a line is a line.. more than likely your pregnant. wait 48 hours and take another test to confirm! Congrats!

  2. even if its light its still positive

  3. yes i believe you preggo!  Same thing happened to me. I took a pregnantcy test and it was extremely faint so I went to planned parent hood and they said the same thing it was faint, but you are pregnant. I recommend go to PPH or the doctors to get a prefessional opinion. Good luck!

  4. sounds like someones pregnant! any line is a positive line on a hpt, no matter how faint it is.

    Good luck and congrats!

  5. I would wait another few days and see if you get your period. If you don't then I would get a pregnancy test that actually says pregnant or not pregnant because that way there is no confusion. When I took my test there was not mistaking that there were 2 pink lines but I also know that is not the case for everyone. Good luck I hope you get the answer you are looking for.

  6. Any line whether it is faint or bright means are due for a congrats because you are pregnant!!! If you do not have health insurance or cannot go see a doctor go to a health unit in your area. They will test you at no charge and you will know for sure! Good luck.  

  7. implantation bleeding is very uncommon and if you had a positive pregnancy test then you are  pregnant...faint second line or no.

  8. My first pregnancy test did the same thing, you could barely see it but it was there. And, I took a digital one and it came up pregnant. So, if I was you I would take a digital one.

  9. Well not everyone gets implantation bleeding. And usually a faint first line usually means pregnant! Not matter how faint. If there were two lines, that means your pregnant. Maybe, take one more tomorrow just to make sure. Or go for a blood test. Good luck!!

  10. I think you're pregnant.  That faint line is a positive.

    Most women don't have implantation bleeding either- so the absence of it isn't important.


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