
Please help im at my last tether im lost empty & hurting ?

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my ex and i broke up 4 months ago we still been sleeping together i took an overdose i was so broken hearted with out him it really has been the hardest thing i have ever been though, now hes saying he thinks he still loves me and he wants to try and work it out, id do anything to make it work but why do i keep thinking is this really what i want or am i over him but lov him or love him and dont want 2 let him go what what do i think all i no is im sucking up 2 him so much and in my head i keep going round in circles ....




  1. Forget about it. Completely detach your emotions/feelings from the situation completely. After a few deep breaths have a good look at the situation for what it is. No emotions, no feelings, dissect and analyze it down every path you can think of. Then decide whats best for you. The answers you can think of when no feelings or emotions what-so-ever are involved, compare them with the answers you think of when you do add your emotions and feelings. Thats when you can decide which path you want to take: the emotions/feelings path, or the logic/reason path. You may even combine bits from both paths to create an entirely new path. Its up to you, no one else can teach you. If you don't take control of your brain people will feel they have every right to call you a victim. It may not be the case, however your actions speak louder than that little voice in your head that no one else can hear but you. xx

  2. How are we, the masses of the world, supposed to answer such a plea? We can't make up your own mind for you. You need to resolve within yourself whether or not you want to be with him or not. This may help:

    Write two lists. One of the pros, and one of the cons. The pros are what benefits you will receive--emotionally, physically, and financially--by being in a relationship with this man. The cons are the opposite--what are the negative aspects of a relationship with this man?

    Here are a few BIG cons that you may not see as being important, but really are important.

    1) If he abuses substances like alcohol, drugs, etc.

    2) If he abuses YOU. (Physical abusage, verbal abusage)

    3) If he cheats on you or has a history of cheating.

    4) If his personality is very unattractive, or if his looks are unattractive to you.

    If you are faced with none of these problems, here are few major pros:

    1) If he has always treated you decently.

    2) If you can be sure he is not addicted to anything.

    3) If he has proven his love by not cheating, etc.

    4) If you consider him attractive, admire his personality, etc.

    Best of luck, don't do anything stupid.

  3. follow your really depends on y u broke up in the first place

  4. You are relying too much on someone else to determine your happiness. You have to be happy with yourself before you can be happy with others. Look within yourself to find out what makes you happy and do that. If you need help turn to a support group. Don't let ANYONE be in control of your happiness other than YOU!.. This relationship sounds manipulative so be careful. Good Luck.

  5. why make yourself miserable ,you`re not where you should be in your relationship. so cut it off. start new and fresh. remember how fresh and exciting the start of a relationship is.

  6. Roxanne, I hate to say this , but if you tried to overdose, your problems go far deeper than the break up! If you are feeling this badly about yourself over someone who is playing you. You have answered your own question. Why keep beating the horse if it's already dead? It's easier said than done ( I know believe me! ) but you need to move on. Even if it means TOTALLY avoiding ANY contact with this person. That means even through people you both know. The less you know over time, the less it will hurt, I promise! Keep believing you were important before the relationship, &you are more important after, because you are wiser!

  7. Work at getting out of the vicious circle yourself. Someone has to stop the craziness !  Life is not meant to be like that. This is not happiness !

    No matter how much you love or someone loves you back, there is a sane way to live life.  Back off and see what you can do for yourself. You can't fix him but you can help yourself.  See the pattern and seek change for yourself. If there is real love then it will still work out.

    If it's just a lot of confusion of emotions, then let what happens happen. For both your sakes, do it !

    Get some help in personal growth for yourself and see things change.

    I suggest you get this same book I got that is all about you and your life. It is personalized with your own name throughout the book and if you read daily just a little, it will change your life totally. If you want to be happy then get happiness for yourself first and then you can share that with others. Get this book and it will help you in a great way !

    Your confidence needs a boost !  Change your thought patterns and you will change your life !  That's a promise ! This book has helped me so much.  You can get one at the site in the source line below.  It has to be ordered of course since it is personalized..You deserve the best in life and so do your friends. Help them as well by helping yourself..

    Re-direct your own life.

    Blessings to you !

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