
Please help im auditioning for the first time!!!?

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Im 13 and im entering the dolly competition to audition for a part on neighbours. Im so excited about it but i need some tips as ive never done any formal acting lessons except in high school drama lessons thanks i greatly appreciate all answers!




  1. be yur natural self donot rush in saying yur dialogues. be calm donot get exicited say a short prayer to thank god & help u to do this well

  2. sweetie ive never done any formal acting but there is ONE THING i know that makes a person stand out no matter wat they're going for, job interview or marriage proposal or dolly competition and its this-PERSONALITY.

    if u put just one tenth of the energy u just put into writing out your question just now- u're a shoo in. you're poured out your heart just in askin some faceless person on the net to pls help, so put some of that energy into making an amazing audition tape! people always tell other people "just be yourself" and someone times we dont wanna believe it cuz we maybe dont like ourselves or think we need to be something better/ more fabulous/ cuter before anyone takes notice of us.

    here are my tips, hope they help you-

    CALM DOWN. u are 13. this tells me that u have a million other auditions to try out for, some u'll get, some u wont. at 13 everything seems a massive rush but trust me lovely, its not. if u really want this- put your everything to it BELIEVING that u will give it you best shot, and nobody can fault you for that. besides, if you're nervous, jumpy, expectin yourself to mess up with all the adrenalin u got pumpin in you cuz u're on a tight schedule, u WILL mess up, and when u make a few mistakes u'll start to unravel and say "ohhhh i'l NEVER get it right." dont allow that- that's how doom enters the door right THERE- so sit down down for a minute and look yourself in the eye. tell yourself i WANT this, i CAN GET IT, so i need to be clear-headed and THINK. dont think like u're 13. think like u're 30. believe me when i tell u, calm down :-)

    TWO- STEAM YOUR FACE. i didnt say burn it, i said steam it. go get a bucket, put hot water in it, put a nice smelling bath oil [a few drops] in it, put a towel over your face, and sit under there til its sweaty and hot and your face gets all oily and gooey but u know wat? when u get outta there and wash your face, put some face cream on it, you'll be glowing. nothing like unblocking your pores to make u look great. if u've got great skin dont do anything to it, just thank God for it. if u do steam, do it abt a day before u shoot the tape ok?

    THREE- MOST IMPORTANT. STUDY YOUR MATERIAL. i dont knw wat you're auditioning or, but i do know this- u better give them exactly what they're asking for and not what u THINK they're asking for. if they want u playing a troubled young girl, u better get your brother to trouble you for an hour before u shoot your tape. if they want u bubbly and full of life, go do your favourite thing to do til you're all relaxed and full of energy, then shoot your tape. the best actors STUDY WHAT IS NEEDED OF THEM, they put time and effort into getting to know the character they'll be required to play- then they get alone and rehearse it til it comes naturally to them, THEN they act. u do the same.

    find out from the script description or whatever, WHO u're meant to be playing, imagine her in your mind, what would she be like? then spend time acting her out slowly til the lines u make up to BE HER start coming naturally. when u're "in character" and u feel pumped- go shoot your tape.

    FOUR- PERSEVERE. you're 13. that means KEEP GOING TIL U WIN THIS! do NOT lose hope if u fluff your lines. fluff them a million times, so what? do them AGAIN. the best actors still act on TEN SECOND REELS u know that. they act for a few second and the guy yells CUT- they act again for ten second and then CUT! after all those tiny reels, a movie's pieced together, so dont think they're all fabulous remembering tons of lines at one go cuz uh... they're not :-)

    if u make mistakes, wipe the tape, start again. get someone older and GOOD AT THIS to help u- when u got something important to do or finish, never get someone who doesnt understand how important it is to you, or someone who's not really interested, or someone who's in a hurry to go do sumthng else. get somebody who cares and supports u and will tell u "hey now, keep trying" til u get the tape u want. ok?

    FIVE- be yourself. i started with it, im closing with it. your own personality is the one thing u'll never have to fake as long as u live- its yours for FREE. so use it, make it work for u. if u got an amazing smile [most pple do, they just dont think so]- USE IT. flash it at the camera but dont over do it. if you have a special look that usually gets u what u want with your folks, use it. use whatever you have to make yourself stand out from all the tons of other kids wanting this part. dont go crazy, don get plastic, just be YOU playing whatever part they're looking for. trust me, a good eye wil always see the true uniqueness in a person no matter who they're pretending to be on stage or on camera.

    do your best. if it doesnt work out- remember this, its NOT a reflection on YOU. it is something u didnt manage to do, not a statement that YOU are no good, ok? ALL people fail from time to time, that does NOT make them failures any more than a guy sitting in a garage makes him a car- got that?

    and the other guy's right- thank God before u start anything becuz He's always got you and will help u excel in anything u put your hand to.

    take care and go get 'em

  3. ah mate, just take it easy.

    if you've watched neighbours which im pretty sure you have - my mate was friends with tessa james who oh she played the blind girl who was supposed to ..ohokay long story - but yeah she went to my school and she just was herself and now shes on home and away..just be yourself and you never know where it can take you.

    but you have to presist, dont let one thing get you do. failure comes before success mate. you cant always get what you want the first time round.

    i wish you good luck.

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