
Please help. im getting thretning phone calls?

by  |  earlier

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i am 15. for the past 3 years ive been getting harrasing phone calls from people calling under restricted. 3 nights ago i recieved a message saying that soeone was going to kill me, calling me a ****** and that stuff.

i want to have my number changed but idk if i can b/c my parents think that this event will happen in another year once certain ppl get my number.

i really dont want to get the cops involved my its really making me mad.

any suggestions?




  1. tell the cuzzo off

    i mean really if someone

    is callin yu names yu gotta

    get loud rite back foreal

    its the only way they gonna

    feel intimidated

  2. i would just say to them,  "if u call again, im calling the police. "

    [but dont really call the police]

    when they call again say" alright u took it too far. im calling the police."

    or say that ur tracking down their number. its funny

  3. Call the phone company and report the harrassment.

  4. you should get the cops involved.  who ever it is breaking privacy and harassing you and threatening you.  It could be serious or it could be pranks.  Cops could probably track the number and persecute the perpetrator.

  5. wow. this is serious. you should definatly call 991 they will take care of everything. you can sew for threatning contact and win.

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