
Please help!! im really tired lately?

by  |  earlier

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most of the summer i was staying up REALLY late and so this week ive been trying to get ready for school so ive been going to sleep around 11-12 instead, but i think because my schedule is so off its causing me to be so tired lately, but the first day of school is tommorow and im going to a concert after school so if im tired im gonna be sooo sad =[, cuz right now im so tired i can barely function it feels like, so what should i do??? my mom says the nerves of the first day of school and the concert will wake me up but im still afraid......

what should i do???




  1. The best thing for you to do is NOT go to the concert.  But since that's probably not what you want to hear, I would suggest only getting 7-8 hours of sleep for a few days.  I'm guessing that you've overslept all summer (getting more than 9 hours of sleep a night) so that could contribute to you staying tired all day.

    Good Luck.

  2. well... your body became accustomed to your normal routine. If you stayed up late you body got used to it. You will have to create a new schedule to get your body used to the times you would like to feel awake. As for the concert, well, it is a concert and you will be wide awake. The loud music and the crowd will keep you alert, but not for long. You will eventually get tired and will want to go home, but if your used to staying up that late your body should be fine.

  3. Try an iron supplement and a sub-lingual B-12 you may be lacking in these. since you have been running hard lately.

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