
Please help interpet this dream?

by Guest31944  |  earlier

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i had a dream that i was playing tag with a bunch of ppl in my school and than there were 2 ppl left. Me and the girl i like and the person trying to tag us was the guy she used to be crazy about. We were playing tag in a shoe store but we got out and ran in the mall together. It seemed like i wasnt as shy and we talked and everything and all the sudden we were at my old middle school. Than we were talking and went into spanish class that i had in 8th grade. The whole class was the same except for her. She sat infront of me and my other good friend. Help with this




  1. shoes show that your outlook on life is grounded, or down to earth.  a store represents a need in your life that isn't being met right now-probably emotional or physical.  dreaming of being in school is a reminder of childhood insecurities.  however, the fact that you are playing in the store and that your crush was also there.  i think your dream is telling you stay down to earth, but also to let go and have fun.  find the balance of being outgoing and shy - and don't let insecurities stand in the way of getting what you want!

  2. You are overly infatuated, thinking about her way too much, and that you can never reach her in the dream means that she is perpetually out of your reach because you won't talk to her and get to know her better.

    Not that at that age you should even be thinking or worrying about that kind of thing, you should think about more about playing video games, catching frogs or, painting picket fences like Tom Sawyer or something.  You start getting into that whole "relationship" bullcrap that early in life its only going to get worse and let me warn you now, there is no worse s***k on this earth, than a girl that loses her virginity early.

    They are the worst, and they are nothing but trouble.  It may seem like h**l now, but wait a few years, grow up and see how she ends up.  You worry about school and friends, and do not seriously consider dating a girl until you are in college, and are set on a career.  Besides, you want to wait until your manhood is fully grown before you engage in intimate relations anyway.

    Give it up too early, and it could lead to embarassment, wait until its AT LEAST fully grown, and it prevents it.

    Hey man I know its hard but, despite those feelings you are having you need to put girls aside.  Grow up too fast, and all the problems of being grown up will come with it.

    Food for thought.

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