
Please help interpret this Dream?

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In the dream I'm standing by a highway offramp with a piece of luggage (appears that I'm close to an airport) when this family comes along and asks if I need a lift. I agree and get in. It's a man, woman and there daughter who appeared to be about 3-4. The man was blonde haired and fairly young looking. I remember him speaking very good spanish to me and I was surprised and commented to him about how good his spanish was. As we're driving we end up in this place where there seemed to be a number of shops that had been run down or vacant. As we're walking 1 shop caught the eye of the little girl and we walk in. I remember getting a weird feeling about the place. Like there was something bad about the place. The family walks down some stairs to another room and I told them not to go in there because theres something bad there. I started backing out towards the door when I see this young lady out of the corner of my eye that I had not seen when I walked into the store in another room by the entrance. Creepy, I thought and headed outside to wait for the family. Finally the family came out and I told them let's get away from here, just then an older grayed haired lady walks out and says hello to us. I immediately thought something suspicious about her. She was smiling and trying to be friendly so we wouldn't leave and I told her "I don't know you, who are you and what do you want?" She just kept smiling and being friendly. Then I grab her by the wrist and twist it to make her tell us the truth. It hurts her and she becomes angry. As we start to walk away her eyes grow enraged and different and starts looking at me like she was casting a spell or doing something evil. I quickly turn my head not to look at her and tell the family "let's get out of here, quickly!" as we head away from her. What's this about? Any spiritual meaning to this dream?




  1. ok im no expert but this would be my interpretation....

    first of all, a family was giving you a lift which represents a situation in your life where there is a group of ppl who are helping you but maybe your subconsious is telling you that you are the 1 who needs to help them (ie: forewarning them not to go into that room) or visa versa

    The old grey haired lady is representing an "old" situation possibly from your past which you may feel is a threat to something that is currently going on in your life. It could be some unresolved issue that has not been properly dealt with even just in your own mind.

    You were afraid in your dream and particularly the walking down stairs may symbolyse again a fear of not being able to deal with your emotions and some self confidence issues that you may be dealing with

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