
Please help is there something wrong with my dog!?

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my dog eats everything in site, she is a northern inuit 8 month old, i have other dogs and none of them do this, she will eat her own poo, clay, string and thing however she doesn't chew things just if bits are on the floor she will eat them. has she got a mental problem? please help!!! i would like some reassurance she will grown out of it i would like to hear similar stories haha

thanks o she is pure white 8 month old and just taller than a german shephers? will she grown any more.




  1. Our dog did this too its very annoying and we have to watch her all the time. It is better now she grew out of a lot of it I think its puppy behaviour. someone suggested dont make a big thing of it as thats giving attention just leave them unless its dangerous of course. Good luck I feel for you ask your vet or vet nurse they can help call first and they wont charge call different ones they give different ideas.

  2. well my friends dog does the same thing if she starts throwing up you should take her to a vet but for now now you should watch her and see if she eats anything Else and if she does teach her no and vacuum often

  3. Dogs continue to grow until they are 18 months old, so yes, she will get possibly 1/4 size larger by the time she is a mature dog, that is from 8 months till fully grown.

    Regarding the eating habits, she needs nutrition and more 'regular' healthy meals. Try giving her live yoghurt in the morning as this will cleanse the impurities and remove toxins in the gut. If not already done so, please worm your dog and add raw garlic to her meal, mixed with many fresh herbs such as parsley, sage and others, including some alfalfa, depending on the season of the year, which detox the intestines. Add seeds such as sunflower, pumpkin and others that help clear the bowels.

    You can offer her some human prepared porridge and finish this off with a raw egg for a few weeks or months, until her stool becomes semi liquid. Diarrhoea will empty the bowels and you stop the raw egg. The egg provides nutrition and strengthens the immune system, but it reaches a point where the body is self sufficient and the raw egg no longer is required. With heavy diarrhoea, you give a hard boiled egg with some wholemeal or whole grain brown bread. You can give the egg shell, which contains calcium. Young dogs will eat this.

    Provide your dog with as much fresh food as you can afford, lots of fresh vegetables, raw and chopped up, including fish and some fresh meat. Bones and all, where chicken is concerned or any other baked bones. If you can find a raw marrow bone, this will provide excellent dental care and hours of pleasure to the dog, forgetting the desire for other undesirable snacks. Dried fruits, like apricots go down a treat.

    It is rare, although not uncommon, for an 8 month old bltch to eat p**p. The mother may do so, but not the young dog. There is nothing wrong with your dog per se, other than having to provide a good healthy holistic diet, which contain the appropriate vitamins and minerals required in a dog's daily diet. Including some more activity. How many hours a day do you walk your dog in the open spaces or allow it to socialise with other members of its own culture? Dogs need to interact with other dogs.

  4. she will grow out of it.

    my dogs were the same way.

    BUT you should really try to teach her only to eat her dog food.  she could end up getting into the wrong thing, i.e. antifreeze

  5. She's still young. She's probably just experimenting to see what's good to eat. A lot of dogs eat their own p**p and other things like that because they're lacking enough nutrition in their regular dog food. Are you feeding her a good brand?

    Try to do a better job on your part by keeping things off the floor that she can get to. Don't give her any opportunities to eat things that shouldn't be eaten. She could choke or get sick. After she goes to the bathroom, take her away so she can't eat it.

    If the problem persists, you may want to ask your vet about it.

    Good Luck!

  6. possibly she has a vitamin deficiency which makes her eat unsavoury things, could be that she's not getting enough to eat, take her to the vet's.

  7. Eating her own poo is actually very normal behavior. Some dogs grow out of it, some don't. If you're terribly offended by it, there are products that you can buy to put in their food that will make their poo taste unpleasant but is not harmful. I don't imagine that clay would be too terribly harmful, unless you're talking about modeling clay? In which case, as long as it's not a large amount and it is non-toxic, I would just keep an eye on her or even consult a vet and ask what they think.

    Things like string, however, are not good. I had a cat once who got hold of a bit of string and it got so tangled in her intestines that she had to have surgery to have it removed.

    Dogs will usually grow out of eating everything in sight. My puppies always went through phases where they ate anything they could get their mouths on, I think it was just curiosity and not knowing what something was. They always learned that it wasn't anything interesting or good tasting and eventually grew out of it.

  8. your dog could be very sick if its eating its own poo, so yeh bring it to a vet now!!!  

  9. Have you rescued her? Was she abused as a puppy? It sounds like she was kept in a very small area, like a crate, and possibly not fed, so she learnt to sustain herself by eating her own poo.

    I have a dog that tends to enjoy eating poo too - I rescued her from a very bad home.

    It's the dogs mom that teaches them about poo, maybe something to do with her, too.

    edit: you dont need to hit a dog to get your message through.

  10. my 1 1/2 year old golden retriever does the same thing, we pick up our house and everything but she still manages to get stuff, she has just recently started eating her p**p. we where worried at first but where not as worried now because she mangaes to pass everything. but its just like having a baby, you have to clean up everything in the house so they dont pick it up and eat it.  

  11. Pooh eating is not necessarily an indication of being ill (although if she's eating pooh from outside, you have to consider the possibility of picking up worms).  And although it may be disgusting to us humans, it's actually not, to a dog.  The first experience I had with this was with our first female when she was in whelp.  I put it down to her needing something in her diet that was missing.  I have a friend who always said it was because what she was feeding her dogs was so tasty that they had to eat it all over again ..... yuk!!  There are things you can feed to make the stool less attractive (Meat tenderiser, pineapple I have heard help, although I can't say it's ever worked with mine).

    But the downside of this eating everything is that one of these days, she's (and, when it comes to the pooh is it significant that this is a she!!) going to eat something that blocks her up and she's going to need urgent surgery.  I think she needs some 'redirection' lol.

    Size - well in my breed I think the frame is there by 8 months, but the body still needs time to come.  I've had 18 month males who look like two boards clapped together.  But by 3 it's all come together.  Depends a lot on the line your girl comes from although I have to say I believe females mature faster than males (in mind and in body).  Are you in touch with the breeder of your girl?  Might be worth asking her - and for the food problem also.

    If she's basically fit, I'd not make too much of this strange eating behaviour.  I would try to remove poohs when produced, or as soon as possible so the temptation isn't there.  And I'd also make sure that if bits of toy go missing, you keep an eye on how she is over the next few days (blockage).   I would also consider her diet and whether you should switch (gradually).  If you are feeding a complete, that should be the basis of her diet.  Meat can be added (although it does mess up the carefully prepared recipe lol) - I add just a bit of tinned meat, for added flavour - but that's probably more down to the fact that I think a bowl full of kibble looks so totally boring - haha.

    PS Please do not hit your dog - even gently!!

  12. First of all your dog sounds normal.You just have to keep unsafe things away from her.My dogs did eat their own p**p,and my vet told me that wasn't a problem.They now dig in the garden and eat dirt.I think they are trying to increase their mineral intake.Your dog is still very much a puppy.The thing you need to watch is her getting too fat.The dog biscuits are fine,but watch that dog food.It is full of fat.I would suggest meat would be better.I feed my three on a Venison/chicken mix from my pet supplier.I don't know about growth,but she sounds a honey.

  13. So sorry to hear about this. There's no denying this IS very odd behaviour. Take her to the Vet as soon as possible.  

  14. As above SEE A VET

  15. my dog used to eat poo or dead fish(we lived close to the beach )

    it was so terrible,he was smelling like a poo.So I started  to brash his teeth and bath him after each walk.I guess he didn't like to brash his teeth and he reduced doing this nonsense some how.    

  16. Puppies have a growth bone on their front legs. If you run your hand down the leg and can feel this bone protruding out then she will still be growing.It will be flat if she is fully grown. Puppies need as well balanced diet and calcium supplements. yes, they do need their vegetables. Eating p**p is not rare particularly in females. An easy way to stop your Pup from doing this is to add a few pineapple pieces. to her food. Make sure that she is wormed regularly, by eating her p**p she is rein festering herself with unhatched eggs.

  17. My puppy does the same thing. Some puppies just do that. They usually out grow it. I can't wait till my pup is done with eating everything she sees. Even if we run the sweeper 4 times a day she always finds something that maybe the sweeper didn't pick up or leaves that someone brought in or when you take her out side she tries to eat everything. It is crazy, but it's a puppy stage. We are always picking stuff off the floor and running the sweeper, but she always seems to find something that we missed. I always worry about things like strings cause that can cause problems so i just keep an eye on her and we are always digging things out of her mouth. As for the p**p she don't eat her poo. Thank god, but it is normal for some puppies to do that.

    oh yeah, i feed my puppy Wellness just for puppy and that is suppose to be a good food and she still does it so it's probably not the food just puppy stages.

    Good Luck cause i know how you fill.

  18. i would see a vet for advise but  she might grow out of it cos my friend had i dog what use to do the same and avensly he grew out of it but she did take him to the vet and they gave her some advise how she could stop him from doing this

    try this site

  19. Maybe your not feeding it enough and that she is hungry. Its growing so its appetite is not like before. Increase her meal size, and maybe she will stop.

  20. she might just grow a little bigger and if i were u id ask a vet immediantly  good luck hope it gets better

  21. my puppy is 5 months old and she does the same thing. had her at the vet for check up. she is 100% healthy. its puppy behaviour. all dogs have different personalities and traits. she will grow out of it. just watch it that she does not swollow things like tennis ballls ect.

  22. Have you had your dog wormed. In the even they have a worm/s they are constantly hungry and quite likely to eat the things you say. Go to a chemist or Vet and get some general worm pills, even if she has no worms she would not suffer any worm treatment from following the packet instructions. Otherwise seek the help from a Vet.

    Growth could well increase if she does not continue with her current diet.

  23. i had this with my male dog i put a muzzle on him and he soon learnt not to do it! you could always seek advice from you vet.

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