
Please help lawyers advice needed

by  |  earlier

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I have a 4 year old daughter, i was NEVER married to her father, he hasnt seen her in over 4 years I dont have any papers in the court but can he just come take her from me I am so scared she is my everything and his mom trys to start stuff all the time please help i know this isnt alot of info but i dont know how to put it in words




  1. i dont believe he can take her. dont worry!<33

  2. well if the child father name it not on child the birth certificate then he has not legal right to claim the child

    if he bothering you can file an order protection  

  3. no

  4. You might consider calling social services for the state in which you live. There numbers can be accessed online. They will be able to answer your questions.  One thing is for sure, his mother's meddlling is nothing but noise.  Grandparents do not have very many rights yet in most states.

  5. I'm not a lawyer, but I believe if he wants to see the child he has to file for visitation first.  My sister-in-law recently filed for child support and visitation was brought up (they aren't married and haven't been together for 2 yrs).  She wanted supervised visitation and she had to prove that he was a danger to the kids.  It doesn't matter if he hadn't seen them in 2 yrs or if they fought all the time.  You have to prove he's a danger to the kids.  It was easy enough to prove, as where he lived there was mice infestation, dog urine and f***s on the ground, roaches, etc.  Also, he had a history of drug problems and didn't have a drivers license (what happens in an emergency?).  Anyway, as far as I know, legally (if you haven't been to court for visitation) he has not right to see the child.  But you should try calling your local police dept to find out what rights you have.

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