
Please help??? losing my mind...

by  |  earlier

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my daughter is going through the terrible two's real bad. i have a 3 week old baby too. im going mental and feel like im going to have a mental breakdown. my 2 yr old is stubborn, really deffiant, screrams constantly and hits and scratches. i have tried discipline, putting her in her room for time out till she calms down, but i let her out and she does it again and she takes all her clothes off. i tried changing the subject, playing with her, letting her hold the baby. i just dont know what else to do. i am at my witts end. please help!!! anyone going or gone through this, any suggestions on what i can do??????




  1. As a mother of four, I can say that your child needs some serious mommy attention. If you give her one hour a day of uninterupted time (best when baby is alsleep) and let her decide what to do- watch favorite show, read a book, color, make ice cream sundaes, just let her have some "control" usually helps. And it helps confirm that she is still a big part of your life.

  2. Cope ..You have too !

  3. Hi there

    I have a 2 year old as well and she is going through the same thing,  I have tried everything and the only thing I have found to work is the naughty chair.  There is a chair in her room and it faces the corner and I sit her on it when she is misbehaving.  I only sit her there for 2 mins (1 min per year of age).  Even if she cries and screams and throws herself off I just go back and put her on,  It is very frustrating and I know exactly how you feel.

    My daughter has responded well to the naughty chair and I find it is more of a deterrant than a punishment now.  I only have to threaten her with it and she starts behaving.  Getting to this point has only taken about 3 weeks, so not long in the scheme of things.  The good thing about a naughty chair is that they are everywhere...shops, parks, other people's houses etc.  Also, it allows you to discipline her and you don't get judged for giving your child a light smack in public!

    Good luck!

  4. shes probably still getting used to the new baby.still be firm with her but let things that dont matter go.

  5. get her tested for add and adhd

  6. I’ve seen supernanny. her techniques seem really good.

    Get a baby sitter every now and then to have a break.

    My mum says be firm and show her whose captain. Kids like that. To know someone is in charge.

    Diet can also affect children’s behavior in a huge way. Anything sweet. Sugar is a real bad one. can make em go berserko.

    Install a reward and punishment system.

    Hope this helps.

  7. the child is need to really go out of your way to treat her real kind.........involve her in lots of stuff...&  you lay down on the bed & read stories to her......that way you get a rest & you are giving her special time!!!........give time to her also when bub is asleep.......go & get help for your self too, go to a Dr & tell him how you feel...........hey, this will go away, it wont last for ever...get someone to baby sit once a week for you & you go to the movies etc....

    if you have a hubby, get him to help more......xxhugzzzz

  8. I can't help greatly, but I know that a friend of mine insists that the 'time-out' area cannot be the toddler's bedroom, as this makes bedtime and quiet play in her room a punishment!

    If you continue to use timeout, try using a different area that is not associated with her daily routine.

    Also, try using a token economy of some sort. Reward your daughter whenever she is good with something that she likes (not sweets or foods though, experiences work better) and she may make more of an effort. It works well if there are more kids in the house too, as if one is doing well within the economy, the other tends to make more effort.

    It's a lot harder to put it into practice, but it's worth a try, right?

    Also, make sure you have a good support network. Having a newborn and a toddler is a very overwhelming situation, so if there is someone who can come and give you a hand (with chores, babysitting, just chatting about your problems) you will have more chance of getting through this with your sanity intact.

    Good luck, I hope it helps.

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