
Please help me, I'm in agony...?

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It's my time of the month right now, and I feel completely awful. I've been sick 3 times in the last 15 minutes and every time I am sick I burst into tears. I can't eat anything because it makes me be sick even more... I'm going through complete and utter h**l, what can help? Hot water bottle doesn't work for me, and I've taken pain killers, but no luck? Exercise does nothing. :( Please help?

Agony might be a bit too much for a description, but I'm only 13 and I'm desperate to get rid of the pain and the sickness. :(




  1. Kay, it sounds like you may have Endometriosis- a condition when the uterine lining forms outside of the uterus and sheds once a month, which is very, very painful for some women. Do you know anyone in your family that had severely painful periods? Is this recent pain or have your periods always been so bad? Tell your gyno, he/she might be able to prescribe some medicine to help. I have endometriosis and my gyno tells me to take 2 Alieve and 1 Tylenol Arthritis as soon as I feel my cramps acting up.

    Feel Better  

  2. I grew out of that stage maybe you will too!! Hopefully!!

    You could try a heating pad or some midol.

    If you go to the doctors for the pain they may put you on birth control so that it will be a bit more regular.

    Chocolate will help!!! ;)

  3. You sound just like how my daughter used to be, in excrutiating pain and being sick. If this is a regular occurance go to your doctor, they may prescribe you some Mefanamic Acid which you start to take about 3 days before you are due on and for a couple of days into your period. It should help with the pain and also make your periods lighter. I must add my daughter tried them but didn't get on with them as her periods were irregular and she could never get the timing right to start taking them. At 14 I asked for my daughter to be put on the pill as this is the best way of controlling periods, she is now 16 and has no problems at all.

    Also bananas are very good as they contain pottassium which helps the pain.

  4.   Hello Kay-   I had painful periods when I was your age- it's awful!!  The best thing is motrin, also known as ibuprofen or advil.   It is a very good medication.  During your period, prostaglandins cause uterine cramping- causing the pain.  The med I told you about is a prostaglandin inhibitor.   You do have to eat with the medication. However, since you are really sick you may need to see the doctor for anti-nausea / vomiting along with something more powerful for the pain.  For now, get in a tub with hot water in it and try to stay in it for a while.    


  5. Have you had a nice hot bath?

    I'm the same and I'm always in a lot of pain during that time of the month - even going to the toilet and walking hurts.

    I ended up getting an ultrasound and I have cysts - I now have to get a curette. You should consider doing the same and speak to your doctor about your pain - s/he may consider getting you on the pill which might help your pain.

    All the best. *hugs*  

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