
Please help me, its very personal but i need help ?

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Im a guy I just disguising my self. Anyways my p***s curves down when erect Ive heard its normal but I dont know. The question Im asking is at one time I thought I had a condition called chordee but I looked it up on wikipedia and it says its a downward curve in the p***s at the head and my curve is in the shaft. So I dont know?? I do know I dont have peyronnies disease cause it doesnt hurt and I have no scar tissue. So is this a normal curve or what? I mean I look all over the internet and all it says is downward curve of p***s but doesnt say where- at the head, shaft or anything then when you look at wikipedia it says a downward curve where the shaft joins the heard?? I dont know what to do and its freaking me out.




  1. A friend of mine has a son whose p***s curves down due to a very tight circumcision.

  2. Usually if your erections aren't painful, then you're ok.  We all pretty much have a curve or bend, and that's normal.  I think the next step for you to ease your mind is to see your doctor (urologist).

  3. dude u should go see a doctor, just to be safe.

  4. You should ask your family doctor.  Usually the syndrome you're speaking of is a curve downward, starting just below the glans.  It doesn't sound serious, but I'm sure it is to you.  Next time you're at the doctor, just ask.  He or she will be glad to look at it to see if there's really a problem or not.  Don't worry too much, you'll be fine.

  5. Don't bother the doctor you are perfectly normal.

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