
Please help me, just read and answer, please?

by  |  earlier

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Okay, so my parents are real jerks

and when i say real jerks i dont mean they tell me to clean up my room or anything

but they are maybe insane? like seriously insane

so today i got back from a friends house and they started yelling and screaming at me for evey little thing i have EVER done wrong in my past, like forgetting to put my stuff away, or leaving my clothes on the floor. And then instead of being mature and talking about it, they left.

And they said we arent beinging our phones with us, dont call us, maybe we'll be back.

that sorta thing.

its not like this is the first time they ever acted liek this, but they acted like this all the time,

and when i was ten my dad tried to kill himself, and i had to call the police. And also my parents refuse to buy me stuff i actually need like contacts, school supplies, clothing, shoes, etc.

and my mom when i was little used to leave and not come back until midnight,

so is there anything i can do about this? any suggestions, please?

other stuff

my mom isnt an alcoholic,

but i think my dad is

and also i sleep in the baasement because my house only has three bedrooms and they want my older sisters to have their own rooms.

yah im 13,

and i dont have anyone i can live with

im not close to my relitives. and i cant really talk to them either




  1. hi you sound like your in a real bad situation i know you said your other relatives aren't around but that's probably because your parents stay away from them, try reaching out to them like you are here to strangers. also if everything your saying is true than I will assume its worse than your saying and you should consider calling cys or another agency that can help if your unwilling to call your relatives. your living in a very neglectful and abusive situation and it can harm your emotionally for life. you may one day act that way to your children and think about that you know how it feels and you could have serious problems in relationships. What do your sisters say are they treated the same? the people your describing appear to have some mental health problems and its becoming your problem, there is nothing you can do to change other people you only have the ability to controll how you react and what you do in life. i realize your only 13 and its ashame you have to live like that but now you have to make grown up decisions and be prepared to live with the consequence good or bad.

  2. are you serious?! omg! call child abuse services or something!   kids help line number is 188 551 800

  3. This is a tough situation, especially for a thirteen year old to handle! I'm fourteen and can't completely relate, but sort of. My mom has a terrible temper, and I hate it. The thing that keeps you going is: only four years to college and freedom! Your dad obviously has some personal problems, what with the attempted suicide and alcoholism. Alcoholism and depression both run in my family, so I get how tough it is when the adults in your life can't get their s hit together and you have to suffer. My biggest advice in this situation is do everything you can to succeed in school and make money, because you may have a hard time when your older. Talking with your older sisters could help you feel a little better about everything, sometimes when you open up you feel a big emotional release. Theres not much jobs for our age, but babysitting could work. Remember, theres no such thing as a perfect family. Try to make your dysfunctial family seem funny not sad. Good luck, I'll keep you in my prayers :-)

    Love Haleigh<3

  4. That's so sad! Maybe you could just one day gather them up and sit with them and tell them about how you feel when they do all of that stuff to you.

  5. Part of growing up is learning to care for yourself and that means picking up after yourself and participating in household duties.  It is up to you to learn how to do this and the better you get at it the more your parents will back off and start praising you.  I'm presuming the basement is mostly all yours.  See what you can do with what you have at hand to make it prettier and more you.  One of the things I could see in your writing is that you are probably having a hard time with school and are a bit on the rebellious side.  Right or wrong, you like to butt heads with your parents especially when their buttons have been pushed.  Perfect parents are hard to come by so we need to make do with what we've got.  Take care of your space and give them theirs.  It also sounds like you feel you've been short changed.  Sometimes parents forget that they have one more kid that keeps getting pushed back.  It's not because they don't love you.  They just have trouble keeping up the pace with all the problems of parenthood and paying the bills and so on and so on.  Don't lose sight of the fact that you are sharing a space and that means some give and take on everybody's part.  Once you demonstrate your maturity by not only picking up after yourself, but tidying up the house and your space in the basement, you just might have their attention enough to talk things out with them and gently tell them how you feel left out.  

  6. I think you should talk to your guidance counselor or the principal at school.  They will see that you get the assistance you need.

    Good luck to you.

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