
Please help me, question about second labour??

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I'm pregnant with my second child and started having bloody show on Monday, the plug has been slowly coming out since then, but I thought second labours were faster? So my question is, why am I not in labour yet or why are things taking so long to get moving?? I'm due at the beginning of September.




  1. You mean, second babies are born sooner? Or the labor is faster?

    Just because you are losing your plug does not mean you are going to go into labor any time soon..It could even be two weeks after you lose your plug before you go into labor. Since you are due at the beginning of sept. and have a week or so to go, don't stress..Most babies, even second and third, etc. babies are born AFTER their due dates..I had my second son a week and a day after his due date, and I lost part of my plug with him weeks before that, and I ended up being induced.

    My labor, length wise, WAS shorter with him though. With my first it was over 21 hours, and with my second it was 5.5. Just be patient, you don't have long to go.

  2. Second labors are quicker (generally) but not in terms of delivering like 2 weeks early!!!!  It's more like instead of 20 hours of labor, you have 10.  Instead of 2 hours of pushing, it's more like 1.  Generally the mucous plug only means you're over 2cm dilated, but you could spend another 2-3 weeks at 2cm.  The mucous plug will regenerate over and over again, so you could keep losing it over days or a week.

  3. Oh sweetie, second labors are not always easier. Mine as a matter of fact has harder and more painful then my first. Everyone is different. I hope you go soon and it's quick but from the sound of it you probably have a few more weeks how far along are you?

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