
Please help me, this is ruining my life?

by  |  earlier

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the problem i have had for over 2 yrs now, but is getting worse by the day is constant sweating, from my face and scalp and neck, i cannot take any more, i sweat at night i sweat in the bath, if i am hot or if i am cold, all the time! it oes not smell, its just like a taps turned on and its awaful, i feel like just curling up and crying sometimes as i see people looking and i feel ashamed.

it has got worse after my second son.

its getting too the point i do not want too leave the house, as its so embarrassing, it wets my hair through my make up gets ruined and i am 22 not over weight and am not on medication what can i do as it ruining my life.

anyone else have/had this and can it be helped




  1. It seems to me like you may have glands dysfunction you should definitely see a general dr or an endocrinologist. Good luck

  2. It could be an hormonal condition. You should see your doctor, as there are medications that can control excessive sweating.

    You could also be suffering from anxiety, and this could be a symptom.

    Don't be embarrassed to contact your doctor, as this can be controlled or even stopped with help from him/her, and help you to get back on track with your life.

    Good luck.


  3. it could be weight gain...

    weight loss.

    hot flashes.

    go to the dr...

  4. excessive sweating is called Hyperhidrosis. It can be treated. Do some research about causes and treatment, then seek medical advice.

  5. sounds like you have a hormonal embalance.  talk to your dr.

  6. Hi omg you're in luck cause there is a simple solution to this, you suffer from excessive sweating so if you go to a doctor they will give you botox injections to reduce the sweating, not stop it completely cause that would be dangerous, but they will stop it being so excessive.

    Good luck x*x

  7. Get laser eye surgery.  

  8. i never had it but you can always go to a doctor, have a small fan with where ever you go...

    you should let this stop you from living your life.. even if you don't find a solution you don't need to care about what other people think especially people that you don't know and you will never meet again.

    and I'm guessing your married because you said you have 2 sons so its not like its stoping you from finding love just live your life and ignore it! :]]]

  9. I think you should consult your doctor, if it is starting to get really bad.

    I feel for you.  

  10. I think they have medications to decrease your amount of perspiration. I'm not sure about that, though.

      What I would do first is trying putting a cool, damp rag on your forehead and the back of your neck and lay down and close your eyes. Try to calm yourself. You might be thinking about it too much. If that doesn't help, try the same thing with ice, an ice pack, frozen vegetables, chilled rice pack, etc. If you stop sweating, take a cool shower and lay down again.

      If none of these work, I would call a doctor, as embarrassing as that is. He/she might have suggestions that would probably help, and/or medications.

    Hope this helps(:

  11. my sister had similar problem. not as bad as yours. she also has pcos. please go visit a endocrinologist. hers was also a gland problem. if you're sweating profusely, it because you're glands are suddenly dysfunctioning due stress or some other factor.

    please don't be embrassed. some thing health related to your body is nothing to be ashamed of. take care of yourself. go to the doctor and i'm sure there will soon be a good solution.


  12. I've been getting that on and off since I got sick 4 weeks ago...

    Honey, you REALLY need to see a doctor for this.

    They can use Botox on your sweat glands and make them stop...

    PLEASE keep hydrated... You must be losing tons of fluids...

    Be careful about vitamins that you can lose through moisture loss... Take a good multi vitamin EVERY DAY to make sure you don't get malnourished AND dehydrated!!

    Good luck honey! *HUG*

  13. i read somewhere that a bottox injection could help. you should definately discuss this with your doctor.

  14. You can go to the doctor and they can do surgery on your pores to reduce sweating.

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