
Please help me, we had so much in common but since he got a gf we dont talk anymore.?

by  |  earlier

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I had a crush on one of my guy friends. We had a lot in common and I basically feel in love with his personality. A couple months ago, i told him how I felt and he said that he thinks i am a pretty, sweet and nice girl but doesnt feel the same way about me and that are just friends. I was cool with that and we continued talking just like it was before. He recently got into a relationship and now doesnt seem to be talking to me as much. Doesnt answer my messages like he used to or want to talk at all online. I feel bad like i may have interfered in some way but i dont want to and never would want to ruin a relationship that he has. He was a really nice guy to talk to and we had so much in common. I even congratulated him and wished him luck in his relationship....but no reply.

Do you think he may see me as a threat or maybe just feels bad talking to other girls now that he has a lady? I am really happy for him but i wish i could talk to him as a friend like i used to.

Thank you for all the replies.




  1. welll maybe you made him feel uncomfortable by telling him that! thats one thing that makes me feel really uncomfortable when i get really close with one of my guy friends and dont think of him that way, and he tells me he likes me!!! friendships get ruined that way!

  2. He cares for this girl and yes it would not be good with her and you. i think you have said enough now move on and find someone new.

  3. I think that mayb he's a little uncomfortable with the fact that u like him and he only see's u as a friend. So he's not talkin to u but wants it to seem like its becuz of his gf. I say just leave him alone because in the long run ur only goin to make it harder on urself by tryin to be cordial knowin that u like this boy and u dont want him more than just a friend. so just let it gon hun. u'll find sumone who likes u for u and who really wants to be with u.


  4. I think he is being respectful to his girlfriend.  If you were dating someone, I think you would like it to be the same way, where your boyfriend isn't always talking to other girls and texting.  It sounds like he still wants to be friends, but let him come around.  He may still be on cloud nine with this new girl and just wants to spend most of his time with her.  Start finding interest in other guys and you will soon be thinking about a new guy as well.  Good luck!

  5. seems to me he's moving on....not waiting for you which is natural. Don't feel bad about it. But, you should look else where since he is taken.

  6. god. the dude who answerd this first is mean! i had this EXACT  same problem. but im not gonna tell you how i handeld it cause i did a crummy job of handling it. but okay first of all he lied to you when he told you that you were pretty sweet and a nice girl he liked you but he was starting to get super close to his current girl friend so thats why he denyd you  and now that he actually maybe his shady move he decided to completly stop talking to you so he does not s***w things up again. my best advice is too seriously find someone new your ten times better than that.

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