
Please help me!!!!! Abortion?

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I am 20 years old and 10 weeks pregnant. Im homeless (jumping from house to house) and alone and do not know what to do! Please, please, please help me. Please give me some advice cause i have NO WHERE to go...... What do I do? How do I raise a child when I cant even afford to keep myself alive???




  1. If you don't want the child I will take it in a heartbeat.  Good luck~

  2. I suggest you find out what options are available to homeless women in your area and what sort of support is about for single mums. Do not listen to anybody who tells you what you should or shouldn't do. If you want to have an abortion or not or you want to adopt or don't, whatever you do then you can rest easy in that you are making the decision that you feel is the best thing for your child. It's your body you have to carry the child in your belly. Another thing for you to consider is can you give your baby the best possible beginning (ie - can you eat a healthy diet and maintain a healthy lifestyle whilst you are pregnant) do as much research as you can to find out what support is available to you in your area. Unfortunately without knowing where you are located I can't give you any further information. But I have known a few women who have chosen to have abortions for various reasons. Most beat themselves up alot about it but still say that they know they made the right decision because what sort of life would their child be living. Good luck with whatever you choose to do but please do not allow anyone to pressure you into what they think you should do.

  3. abortion is not an option darling! if you can't raise your child, well then. just let her be adopted to a family who were not blessed to have a child of their own. come to think of it dear. plenty of couples were striving just to have a baby. and there you are, having a baby. God has better plans for you. trust Him. He gave you a baby for a purpose and definitely not for an abortion.

  4. you can have the kid and give it to an adoption agency dont kill it. also if you dont want paper work i heard you can drop it off at a fire station or hospital and theyll deal with it

  5. if you don't want the child then either get a abortion or have it and give it to a good family that could take care of it. you should go to a family shelter thing the are ment to be everywhere.

    good luck

  6. get an abortion or give the child up for adoption.  

  7. if you cant care for yourself then how can you care for a child think of it like that....

    if your homeless and got know where to go then how are you on an computer????

  8. Abortion Is Really Sad. Never Do it, Or Even Try it in the First Place.

    Its killing Someone That Would Have Had a Chance to Change The World.

    If You Give Birth To It, You Can Give it to a Orphanarium ( or however you spell) Dont Do What a Family Did a While back, They Placed a 2 week old baby in a burger king Trash, That is Un-Human.

    Choose Wisely and hope For The best.

    Expect The Unexpected.

  9. I know how scared you must be right now. I know that in your heart you know the right thing will not be what sounds like the easy way out right now. You would not be asking for advice if you did not already know that killing your unborn child is not the best choice for either of you. Don't listen to the lies that killing your baby is the best choice for the child! What kind of backwards upside down thinking is that?


    Please look at this site:

    It answers the question Does Abortion Hurt Women? "The following testimonies have all come through CBR's on-line survey and message board. They are posted here to help illustrate the profound pain that so many unsuspecting women feel after they have aborted."



    I was single and in my senior year of college when I found out I was going to be a mommy. I was so scared but I never had to make this choice as I could not ever do that to my baby.

    I have known a lot of women who have had abortions and it is never been the right choice. Everyone I know who had had and raised or given away a baby knows they did the right thing.

    I feel for you and if I knew you I would help however I could. There are so many resources for you and your baby. You do not need to be homeless given your situation. You are now considered a family of two and there is so much support available to you in any state you live in. You do live in the US correct?

    Also FYI:

    By the end of Week 10, your baby graduates from embryo to fetus, which literally means "little one."

    Your baby has finally morphed from a little tadpole into, well, a baby. Not only is the face more human-like, but that unflattering "tail" (really just the developing spinal cord) has disappeared, fusing into the spinal column.

    Your baby now has discernible fingers and toes, which will explain the steady stream of kicks and punches you'll feel down the line.

    Junior's skeleton is starting to grow and harden. The ears are beginning to take shape and the eyelids are no longer transparent. Tooth buds are forming, although your baby won't get any teeth until six or seven (or eight or nine or 10) months after birth.

    Baby's brain will make an incredible 25,000 new neurons every minute this week. While you may feel like you're losing as many as he's gaining, we can assure you it's not permanent.

    If you're baby is a boy, he's started producing that macho hormone testosterone. And whether your baby is a boy or a girl, the kidneys are creating copious amounts of urine.

    Baby weighs only 4 grams and measures 1½ inches, about the size of a mondo Brazil nut.

  10. My advice is to abort it, I know a lot of people hate that but I think it would be fairer on the child to be honest. However I can totally see why a lot of people (Maybe including yourself) would hate that idea. It's up to you, just consider the 2 things:

    What would be fair on the child?

    Do you think you could handle having a child yourself?

    Hope that helps, and I didn't offend anyone. It's quite a delicate subject.

  11. listen Hun, i was 19 years old when i my baby girl I'm 20 now, i board under my parents (so i rent part of there basement) I'm single and i can't even get this baby's daddy to pay child support. but you no what I'm so frigging glad i kept her! it is so hard when your young and still have a life to make. but its well worth it every time you see them smile,.when i found out i was pregnant i freaked(my parents are super religious, dad's a pastor=0) but they found in them to forgive me. and I'm grateful and lucky for that. and even when i was scared murdering a helpless child was not even a though in my mind. but i did consider adoption, there are tons of people that would be glad to adopt that ant have there own. but in the end i decided i wasn't giving her away after all the morning sickness and then soon labour(which honestly ain't as bad as its led on) please don't abort the baby, how is it the baby's fault. you had s*x and got pregnant. please respect the life within you!

  12. Honey the first thing you do is go down to health and welfare and tell them your situation. Never abortion. It messes with your soul. Seriously. If you decide you can't keep the baby, give it up for adoption there are lots of people that can't have children. Like my friends who can't because she had an abortion at you age. You can get on all the assistance programs get your but in college and turn you life around. Use this as a turning point in you life. It will all work out as long as you truly commit to making it. Lots of love going out to you.

  13. Hi Im 38 weeks pregnant, now I understand sort of what your going through because I was homeless jumping from house to house at first as well. All I can tell you is that if you abort your baby your going to have regrets. Isn't there anyone in your family who can or is willing to help you out? Working is easy, jobs are usually easy to find, even if you have to work at burger king or McDonalds it would only be until you get on your feet and can get another job. If you feel that having a child is too much for you, then consider this. You can't get an abortion free, I looked into it when I was scared like you are. They want from a range of 200 + so if you could come up with that money... then you'll be fine. You could get a job, a place, and start a life for you and your little one. There is also adoption available and so many people who are more than willing to take care of your little one.  My best suggestion would be to keep the baby (only if you want to) and go down to social services and tell them what is going on. They can help you and direct you into a better situation, also they can help you find work and get on your feet. That's what it is there for... for people who need help. Good luck hun.

  14. Unfortunately i did have an abortion over twenty years ago, yes i do think about it still, and  regret it, my mother thought is would be the best solution. I don't know how i would have taken care of the baby but i think the baby should have been born and I probably should have put it up for adoption, there are so many couples who would love to adopt a baby & could take care of the baby better than I could have.There are homes for pregnant girls that are free to live at. Maybe you could find one and then you could take care of yourself and the baby, they offer counseling and then you would have plenty of time to figure out the best solution. good luck

  15. Don't do an abortion. Give the baby up for adoption or take it to an orphanage. When you go to the hospital and have the baby, tell them you can't keep it and raise it or what not. They will take care of it or call someone to care for it.

  16. Have you thought about adoption? They do find you a place to live and help you out. By no means are they buying your baby but alot of adoption agencys know that if you are giving your baby up it is because of money and no home then they will get you a place and job so you can stay healthy and know that you are doing a good thing. You can email me if you need help with an agency and get the ball moving.

  17. Put the child up for adoption, don't abort the child, give it a chance at a good life.  I cannot have anymore children and would love to have one, but cannot afford adoption...Good luck to you


  18. Baby im not much of the care for others type but the last you need is to feel sorry for a given up child that was yours or how it will be raised with some one els e so what you need to do is shack up with your parents or get a job or even live in a homless shelter but the baby is going to need you not death or some bimbo you!  

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