
Please help me. Babies rabbit. ?

by Guest66600  |  earlier

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Hi, i have 2 babies rabbit. Their mother died and they are only 3 days old. What should i make to keep them alive?

Plz help!




  1. hi,

    this is a critical three days old,rabbits most likely haven't yet opened their eyes.

    it is highly unlikely that they will survive,sorry.but do not give up.on some cases,some rabbits have survived without their mother even at such a young age.

    ask a vet for directions.are there any complications with the babies?is there something wrong with the eyes?

    make sure they are warm. a nest box full of hay is the best nest for baby a heat lamp near the nest for extra warmth.

    you need to watch them 24/7.some may crawl out of the nest box and kill themselves so watch out!

    also,i have to ask,are those WILD rabbits?if so,i can tell from now that they will not suvive.i am deeply sorry.

    good luck.

    if this will help you...

  2. First go down to your local pet store and get some formualted cat milk or they might have some diff formula ask at the desk.

    get a old eye dropper bottle put the formulated milk in their and feed it to them twice a day in the morning and at night.

    stop feeding until u see there bellies round do that each night.

    if you need any nore info email me.

    also here is my website.


  3. heres a website to tell you EXACTLY what to do with the baby bunnies this should help:

  4. Okay,they need the mothers milk every 23-24 hours.

    You can a substitute milk from pets shops & a feeder syringe too.

    Read the instuctions on the back of the packet,they need similar to a newborn kitten. Though its best to take them to the vets as soon as possible really,as long as they are kept warm they can survive without food for a short while,depending when the mother last fed them. The vet should be able to give you something to feed them.

    Really you can be most hopeful when they are 2 weeks old or so as they are either starting to open their eyes or they have already got them open. But a week is a good sign too.

    I would say phone the vets,especially if you aren't really sure how to feed them as if the milk gos the wrong way down,the milk will come out the nose,i which this is a sign the baby rabbit/kitten has got fluid/milk in its lungs, sadly the kitten probably won't survive.The vet should show you how to feed them corectly too.

    Hope this helps & good luck to you & the baby bunnies! x*x

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