
Please help me I don't want to hurt myself and my therapist won't help me

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I'm 16 and I'm on fluoxetine for panic disorder, anxiety and depression after a nervous breakdown a few months ago. I've self harmed on and off for about 3 years, but since I've been on the meds I've been cutting myself a lot more, every day. Now I need to cut or hurt myself before I'm able to go to sleep, so if I don't want to cut, I stay awake all night. I can't cry instead of cutting because of the prozac. If I try and cry, I have panic attacks where I struggle to breathe, and that messes my throat up so I can barely talk. I've started doing more dangerous things like burning myself and giving myself 'piercings' which I don't actually want (I stuck a dirty carving needle through my cheek 4 times). I do all of this impulsively, without thinking of the pain, it's just something I HAVE to do. One minute I'll be looking for paintbrushes in my mum's art box, the next thing I know I'll have a collage scalpel sticking out of my arm. I can't stop it. I'm so scared because the stuff I do is getting more and more extreme and I already think about suicide all the time because I'm depressed. I don't want to die though & i don't want to hurt myself. I told my therapist about this on the phone but he's ******* useless and didn't give me any advice, just said 'don't cut' and then said he was going on holiday for 2 weeks. I feel like I'm going crazy and any second I could do something that might kill me or disfigure me for life. When I have panic attacks I've started trying to cut my face and I don't know why. I'm not seeing any of my other therapists till friday and i'm scared they don't believe me anymore. What should I do?!




  1. I strongly agree with Chunky Monkey (the answer below.) Please go ahead and talk to him/her. You can talk to me as well. We can both help you. ~ My email is You are clinically depressed, and you need serious help. ~ The panic attacks might also be the cause of panic disorder, which requires treatment.  You need someone to talk to, and you must make effort to at least tell your parents what you are experiencing. They may able to find you a professional you can confide in, and who can provide you an appropriate treatment. You might also want to talk more about your nervous breakdown to your parents and us. What has caused it? What experience have you had that has caused it? It's a way to help you ventilate your frustration and figure out a way for you to better cope.

    Prayers w/you. ~~

  2. You are not alone!!!

    With the PROPER help things will get better.  Please confide in a friend so you have someone to talk to. And immediately join a support group so you have a safe place to talk about your condition and your feelings.  If you can't find a support group in your area then repost here for that so we can help.

  3. It sounds like things are out of control right now for you.

    It also sounds like you are not feeling safe.  Please go to the ER or wherever you went when you had your breakdown.  You need to be protected from yourself right now.  If you go inpatient, they can adjust or change your medication.  They will also help you begin to find ways to cope with your impulsive behavior.  Please take care of yourself and reach out for help.  Don't stay alone at this time.  Good Luck.

  4. I believe that the best thing for you would be is to get yourself into a safe environment free from sharp objects and stabilized even if it means taking medication which i am hesitant to recommend but if they can stabilize you just enough for you to start changing your diet to recover your lost mental balance.Ask your family to take you to a psychiatric hospital so you can stabilize your mind just enough so you can start recovering on your own or with the help of your family.

    After you are stabilized start changing your diet as soon as possible.Your mental imbalance is caused by a serious omega 3 deficiency.

    Depression is caused by the lack of serotonin in your brain which is caused by the lack of omega 3 fatty acids in your brain.A deficiency that most of the humans on this planet have.

    My advice is that you start the omega 3 diet.I have researched omega 3 acids for 2 years and performed a very successful experiment on myself and few of my volunteer friends.Few months of the omega 3 diet i cured my stress[and/or depression] problems permanently and significantly raised my intelligence,improved memory,sight,reflexes[and many other known and unknown benefits]and without any drugs or supplements in the form of pills.

    Take two table spoons of grinded flaxseed[rich with omega 3 and cheap]a day[with a glass of water] and in a few months you will start to notice significant improvement in your mental health[you will become more psychologically stable,among other things].Use a coffee grinder.Whole seeds cannot be digested by the hydrochloric acid in our stomach only grinded seeds.A fact and not a assumption.You have nothing to loose only gain by it.There are many articles on the internet about the omega 3.2 years ago before i started the diet i did not feel so stable or happy how i feel today.

    Flax is the best source of ALA omega 3 fatty acid which our body converts to more important fatty acids called DHA and EPA.For the efficient conversion to take place,foods containing a large amount of the following nutrients must be consumed along with the flaxseed:C,B3,B6 [vitamins],zink and Magnesium [minerals].I recommend 3 table spoons of flax with 100 grams[or more if to your liking] of almonds,1 kiwi every day.[do not take more then 3 table spoons of flax because large amounts can cause intestinal gases which can cause abdominal pain and/or constipation.If three spoons causes abdominal discomfort lower the dosage to 2 table spoons of grinded flax and elevate it to 3 table spoons after your body adapts to high fiber content].The flaxseed itself is not important.The omega 3 that are inside them are.

    The information in the following link should provide you with the nutritional facts of most if not all known fruits and


    By the way.There is no "choice" or "will".There are only strong instincts that overwrite the weak in your mind.Our mind is nothing but a collection of ever tipping scales and our instincts are nothing but a collection of energetic particles which vary in number every day.

    We engage in destructive behavior when the scales of fear,sadness,anger drop to the bottom of one side.These are powerful drives that are hard to resist and hard to bring back up without help.

  5. honey, My advice would be too long for an answer here. please e-mail me right now and I can help you, I promise, I am experienced in helping people like you, and ever single person has come away feeling alot lot better. Please, let me help you. :) x x x  

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