
Please help me :( I have nobody to help me. So, PLEASE HELP : (?

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Well, here's the deal..I'm a senior at high school and want to major in International Business once I graduate. The thing is, I'm really interested in having some international experience, so I thought about studying abroad. I don't want to study in China or India, so I thought about going to New Zealand. The national language in New Zealand is English and it's where I live too, here in Canada. I do plan to master a language when I attend university, but first I have to decide where I want to. So, I'm really leaning against going to New Zealand. Do you think it's a good idea? I mean is there really a point in going, when I can just take International Business here in Canada? or do you think the international experiece will be really advantageous?? I'm very confused, please try to help me and give me any relevant advice. thanks a lot!!!!




  1. no it doesnt make sense. NZ is way behind in education. the case studies u will do there will be very small scale localized. better to go to the uk or us or just stay put.

  2. If you are really serious about the international affairs then yes it would be very advantageous. But remember once your in college and learning a language to do a study abroad to that country. While your there make sure to visit the embassy and make nice. Think about it as an employer. Young, been to two country's once in high school and once in college showing a devote passion, made nice with both embassy's having friends in high places, mastered a language.... resume isn't looking half bad, don't ya think

  3. I'm not exactly sure how Canadian Universities work, but I go to a University in America and my College offers study abroad programs. I would suggest going to a University in Canada and studying International Business, which would be a lot cheaper than going to one in New Zealand, and then studying abroad in China or India your Junior year of College. This way you will have about two years to study a language. At my University we are able to transfer credits we earn abroad so when you do study abroad you will take classes that are relevant to your degree so that you can complete your degree on time while benefiting from the cultural immersion in another country that will greatly improve for foreign language proficiency. Studying Abroad, I think, is essential when studying International Business because you need to know how to work with people from all around the world. Another idea is to try to look for International Internships during the summer when you are in college. This is another great way to explore a country while getting work experience. I hope this helps, and don't worry too much. Just get as much information as you can from various Universities and look into their Study Abroad programs. Good Luck!

  4. Recently I read a good article in Yahoo-business-news about good B-schools in Europe (Italy & Switzerland, particularly) that teach in English, since the local students want to go work abroad & the schools want foreign students! So westrn european colleges teaching in English medium should satisfy all your requirements! Good luck!

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