
Please help me! Im itching really bad?

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Im 34 weeks pregnant and all evening ive been itching uncontrollably, all over my body but espesh my hands. the only different thing ive done is drank RLT, which i started yday but didnt itch at all yday.

do you know what it could be?






    my sister was diagnosed with OBSTETRIC CHOLESTASIS a condition of th liver, if left untreated the baby can be still born. If left undiagnosed the baby can be bron still born and there is NO test that can be done to confirm the death.

    its a REALLY serious matter that you want check out, my sister has a healthy boy thankfully it was diagnosed for her at 34 weeks and she was induced at 37 weeks.

    good luck

  2. That happened to me, it stopped as soon as the baby was born, as long as you are not ripping off your skin, don't worry about it.  Your body does very strange things when you are pregnant.  Just try something like Aqueous cream - which is water based it eases it a bit.  Doctor will tell you the same thing unless you have a rash.

  3. call your doctor now.  

  4. call your pharmacist, i bet it is due to medication you are taking, maybe some reaction to it.

  5. The raspberry tea might be the reason, but the fact that your hands itch would concern me. Call the dr and get their advice.  

  6. it could actually be a problem with your liver I think. If you are having uncontrollable itch everywheres there may be an internal issue. nothing alarming but just call the pharmacy and ask them. or it could be stretching so just try some mild cream without a lot of scent.

  7. You need to make an appointment for a blood test IMMEDIATELY.  Itching during pregnancy may be due to a liver problem.  I don't mean to scare you and it may be nothing but you need to get that blood test.  If you said to any doctor that you're pregnant and itching they will send you straight away for a blood test.  Don't leave it!! Good luck xx

  8. make an appointment for a blood test

  9. ive been drinking the rlt for about a week now but i havent noticed any itching. everyone is different tho so it could be a reaction to it, yes.

    i would stop drinking it, and ring the midwife or hospital and speak to someone there. they will be able to help. or call nhs direct?

    you cant be too careful this far gone... and they wont mind helping you. its best to be safe than sorry.

    good luck hun x*x

  10. Ohhh, be careful. This sounds like an allergic reaction to something that you have recently been introduced to. I know that it is possible to develope allergies during pregnancy and nuemrous changes can take place. I would stick to what you know, have you changed soaps, lotions, detergent, fabric softner, recently bought any baby products in prep for the new arrival... :-) Wish I could nail it for you and tell you what it is but if you think about it you will figure it out. I had the same issue a few months ago (prior to my pregnancy) and found out that even though I had washed my new sheets... I was allergic to the red dye :-) You never know.....

  11. You should contact your OB and tell him/her your symptoms.  I had a condition during my last pregnancy called cholestasis of pregnancy that caused severe itching.  Mine started in my first trimester but I think normally it starts in the third.  I had to take medication throughout my pregnancy and near the end had to have weekly nonstress test to check the baby.  I'll include a link about it.  Good luck!

  12. Is the father a chinchilla? If so, then you are probably getting tickled from the inside by the baby's newly growing fur.

  13. if u have any, rub savlon(r any anti-septic cream)  on2 it. it takes away the itch. if you r usin a different perfume/washin powder/shower gel it could make your skin irritable(itchy)

    hope dis helps!x

  14. yah that sucks me too.

  15. Not to worry you but you need to go to A &E or to the on call doctor. Excessive itching in pregnancy is the sign of liver problems.  

  16. i had this problem with my 1st pregnancy, its called cholastasis, something 2 do with ur liver! ring ur maternity ward straight away, i had 2 be induced as it can harm ur baby!

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