
Please help me.... My family is threatening me.....?

by  |  earlier

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My family has been a bad day! When I wake up, I have no breakfast to eat......... I took a walk on the street, and my dad had yelled at me because I always care about eating. Am I correct about eating breakfast??? He is a really RUDE man!!! Can you please help me?

Yes, He have came from cafe88 to buy it, and I don't like it. The breakfast is not long enough and my dad doesn't care about me that much?? Help me...... please?

NOTE: Please don't make me call 911!!!!




  1. Eat what you get and thank GOD you arent starving.

  2. Well since you  failed to place your age here!?! So that I might be able to put some emotion along with HEART FELT understanding in what I'd type on or about this matter !?! . OH`.' & yeah  you're correct `bout breakfast ! I'm fairly certain of what you might have to say or state about it !! "BREAKFAST IS THE MOST IMPORTANT MEAL OF THE DAY" !!.  Find you some plastic!! or plastic bags or even foil so that you might be able to wrap maybe a sandwhich of sorts !?! "NO TUNA" !! up to store in the frig for one of those times you'd feel hunger pains !! G/L~!!! oh', btw: The rudeness that you spoke of  concerning your DaD.. M I G H T have something to do with the frustrations he's feeling about his manhood being trampled over/disrespected by many other persons outside of the home !?! he just may need some type of break!?! It could be one of quad~drillions of problems,obsticles,restraints.. such as the ?goverment,state,city,town rules or laws that does'nt make it easy at all for MANY !?!  ;-`{ etc  G/L~!!! I wo'nt try to make many or certain suggestions !! Because I would'nt want you to try using/applying any of my possible SECOND~HAND s0o,`called knowledge or ideas!! for they may not workout for you in some specific ways that you'd need !?! & if I'm Assuming that you must feel that you have a wide range  of choices !?!. If you do'nt or have'nt  contributed monies to get whatever it is that your dad would manage to bring in so you wo'nt have to starve !!do any little thing within reason that you can to either help!?! Or just try to be strong in your understanding of the situation!?! So he might not have to put up with the possible level of frustation!?! To maybe come up with some plan that you'd be able to atleast have some food stuffs/nutrients daily !! have your parents call the electric company to voice your concerns `bout food going bad!! Or maybe it making you sick because you have'nt been able to keep it preserved!?! ;-'{ G/L!!!  r R r .,.

  3. Is your family nutty people ?  yes call for help and explain about this nutty family not feeding you ?   police will call welfare department to come and investigate your parent,s condition ?    

  4. lol haha

    this is an excellent time for you to do what many of us do on a daily basis... COOK FOR OURSELVES.  

  5. yeah ur right about breakfast! it's the most important meal of the day!!!! you and ur dad don't mesh very well. i suggest you go to therapy with him and talk things out. build your relationship. but remember, you both have to be willing. you can't change a person. that person has to be willing to change and make the change within themselves.

    hope this helped.

  6. learn how to cook your own breakfast.

  7. make your own food. hehe... you're funny...


  9. maybe you should rewrite this because you really don't make any sense at all? how old are you? YOU SHOULD CALL 911!!!!!! DO IT!!!

  10. breakfast is the most important meal of the day. your dad is so careless as to knowing that. you should eat breakfast everyday if you want energy. and if ur dad is gonna stop you from doing that then it might come down as to you calling 911 and telling them that your dad is practically starving you in the morning.

    hope this helps

  11. well that is stupid they aren't threatening u so i really don't get it ur scared cuz they didn't give u breakfast 1 day!

  12. wtf is this ...

  13. if u call 911 they will just laugh at you

  14. What is the actual threat?

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