
Please help me. My yahoo email is being spamed, how can I stop it?

by  |  earlier

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I subscribed to 2 yahoo groups when I first opened my email account. I have tried clicking the link at the bottom of the emails to unsubscribe. But it won't work. I've tried it many times, but I continue to recieve thousands of emails. I looks like I'm getting everybody in the groups corresspondence. Its driving me nuts. How can I unsubscribe from these groups? Can a block every email that comes from these groups? I tried emailing Yahoo but they didn't help me.




  1. when you get these e-mails,forward them to your inbox,then just select them for spam, that'll stop it

  2. press the mail and go to the bottom and it saids link to unsubscibe and press that and later press yes

  3. the e-mail unsubscribe is faulty

    go to this link click edit my groups on the top left- locate group (if there's more than one) under the last column Leave group, check small box - click save changes

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