
Please help me NOW? 10 points?

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i really pretty please need someone to post the book "poker for the complete idiot" by K. L. Going

i cant go to a library not enough time so please




  1. it's illegal to do that-so i guess if you need this for school you're just going to have to explain to your teacher what happened-things like this happen so you'll just have to suffer the consequences-it's ok :) it's just one of life's lessons

  2. By "post the book" do you mean that we should copy it onto the Internet? wouldn't that violate copyright laws?

    Not enough time to go to jail.

  3. You can't "post a book" -- it's illegal because it's copyrighted!

    And, even if it WAS legal, who is going to do all that work to scan it for you?

    Make time to go to the library.

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