
Please help me! any advice?

by  |  earlier

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two nights ago I had a really bad fever (103.2) and due to that my whole mouth is blistered up...well not BLISTERED.....i don't know exactly what it is....but my gums are REALLY red and they hurt...i can't chew i cant eat...

is it bad enough to take to a doctor? and is there any home remedies that i can do?? i am just SICK of eating food that looks like its good enough for a 6 month old......

thanks in advance!!




  1. You need to see your doc./hyg. you may have gum disease and need to get it looked at

  2. go to a doctor!    that's weirdd..

  3. Well, it definetly seems weird/serious enough to see a doctor.

    IDK...Maybe Cellulitis?

    A description says it may cause swelling, redness, pain, or warmth.

    If this is the case, it's usually treated by antibiotics. I hope this helps...

    feel better!

  4. Get to the emergency room.  If your fever reaches 105 your body will shutdown from overheating.  Go to the emergency room immediately!

  5. maybe u can take any anti-imflammatory pills like ibuprofen..anyhow, try to consult a doctor first..

  6. You cant do anything! Your gonna die!!!!


    LOL, jk!

    Mmmmmm..... Try warm water n salt mixed


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