
Please help me anybody im soo mad!! i dont know what to do !!?

by  |  earlier

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ok here it goes i was on depo shot for 9 months then left it ive been ttc for a year now well last month doctor gave me provera to jump start my period i havent hads my period the whole year so last month she started me on provera so i did 10 days then a week after that i started my period on the 25th of june i had an appt 2 weeks ago and the doctor prescribted provera again for this month but she told me to wait till the 26 if i didnt get my period on that day i might be preg but i dont think so becuse i dont have any sympotms of pregnacy

so do i need to wait or should i go head and drink the provera or can i be pregnant plase help \

i already had a baby his now 2 years old please any advice and ive been irregular




  1. Wait a week or two.  You'll always wonder if you flushed your kid otherwise.  There's no damage in waiting right?

  2. I would wait at least a week after just to make sure.

  3. I was on Depo after I had my Son ,who is now nine, for a few years and when I came off of it I immediately got pregnant with my second child My Dr. told me that it makes the lining of you uterus thick and this could cause a women to get pregnant easily I wouldn't take a chance in taking something that could harm a fetus until your sure your not go to your doctor and ask for a blood pregnancy test or just call your Doctor and see what they suggest you do

  4. take a preg test

  5. Why cant your Dr do an early ultra sound the Vaginal ones to get any doubt out of the way

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