
Please help me before i turn terrible!!!!?

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I'm going into grade 8 and I'm not that pretty!!!

so here are all the things i need help with:

bad acne

yellow teeth

clothe ideas(layers or something

make-up what kind and what to put on

shoes( flat flip flops....

weight( I'm fat and need to lose weight!

anything u got will work plz help me!




  1. Okay here we go :) :

    1. Bad acne- go to a dermatologist if you are able to. Wash face daily of course.

    2. Yellow teeth- check into teeth whitening don't do too often cause will cause your teeth to be more senstive and of course brush at lease 2x a day.

    3. Clothing - I would google clothes that would make you look slimmer.

    4. Make up- if you have acne you should use it minimally esp since you are so young. It clogs your pours. They need to breathe.

    5. Weight- try to get in routine of working out at least 3x a week. Good start is going on walks and good way too loose weight. Also limit soda, sugar, and carb intake.

    Good website for motivation and tips I think for you would be

    Good Luck!

  2. Now first thing to do is not to panic.

    I had the exact same problems when I was in 8th grade, now i'm going into 10th and I am 20 pounds thinner, my skin is clear and I look fine.

    Bad acne: Use proactive, but rememeber to wear sunscreen when you do... Otherwise it can cause skin damage. It works really fast though, like 3-5 days your whole face is completely clear!

    Yellow teeth: First of all if you are not doing this, brush three times a day. Drink alot of water (this is also good for your acne and your weight because it washes out the fat in your system and gives your face a healty beautiful glow)

    Clothing: Shop at Forever 21 or Pacsun. It's not all about layering its about caring what you look like. Almost everything at those two stores is good, so you can't go wrong.

    Make-up: Don't wear to much, the point of make-up is to give you a natural beauty. Maybe, wear eyeliner (pencil, brown or black depending on the shade of your skin), and if your acne is not gone by then (it should be if you use proactive...) a nice concealer.

    Shoes: It depends what style of clothinf you are wearing, but in highschool flip flops, converse and flats are all really important.

    Weight: Cardio exersize. I lost twenty pounds in one month (I weigh 120 pounds now and I used to weigh 140) and all I did was swim for an hour each day. I didn't even change by eating habits. You have to do a hardcore swim though, like an hour of serious pumping. Also eat pineapple with every meal, it can help cut your calorie intake by 1/2.

    This is what you shoudl eat:

    chicken, turkey (these two give you high energy levels and don't have may calories), pineapple and other fruit, skim milk (other milk has fat which you are trying to avoid for now!), Soup! Soup is like the best thing because its mostly water and water washes the fat out of your system!

    i really hope it helps and if you have any questions feel free to email me or send me a message. (:

  3. acne - get your mom to take you to a dermatologist. they can prescribe powerful pills that will knock out your acne

    yellow teeth - do you smoke? first, go to a dentist for a deep cleaning (not expensive), then consider getting your teeth bleached. Then, make sure you fully brush 2 times per day. Also, use Listorine in the AM and before Bed.

    fashion - start reading magazines like Vogue and Cosmopolitan for ideas

    weight - stop eating so much. become a vegetarian (much healthier way to live). AVOID FAST FOOD AT ALL COSTS. fast food is for morons who don't understand anything about nutrition. you're not stupid, right? so just do not EVER eat fast foo. and run run run that weight off. run 10 miles per week and try to do it faster and faster. cardio and a good diet are going to change your life.

    general - take a multivitamin everyday before you go to bed. will make a big difference in your skin, teeth, hair and energy level

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