
Please help me break my habbit !!!

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ok i love wearing makeup but I always rub my eyes and end up smudged

how can i stop rubbing my eyes???




  1. Hi I used to do this all the time and it was a waste of time me putting anything on my eyes lol, but then I just learnt to stop myself I kept telling myself not to touch my eyes etc, and it worked, if my eyes do itch etc I try and itch it gentle and not do a whole rub thing lol

    I have got into a habbit of not touching my eyes when I have  make up on I do it when I dont have it on, I go to rub my eye and then say to myself dont you have make up on but then I rememebr I have taken it off lol

    Its a habit only you have to break I broke mine because it hurts when all the mascara and eyeshadow gets in your eye and it cause a bad infection like it did im my eye and it was the worse thing ever.  

  2. rub chillis on ur hands so u wont dare to rub ur eye

    and only wear make up when its necessary  

  3. every time you do "slap the face"

  4. Get waterproof makeup and good makeup remover:)

  5. Offhand I can think of two reasons you might be rubbing at your eyes.

    1) Try using a hypoallergenic eye liner and mascara such as Almay.  You might be allergic to your current brand and any that is migrating into your eye as the day goes by is making them itch.

    2) If you are also experiencing any congestion or throat scratchiness, you might have seasonal allergies that are making it hard to not touch your eyes.

    Failing those two ideas, it sounds like it might be the time to switch to smudge-proof eye liner and waterproof mascara!

  6. buy the top make up that stays on

    and practice, practice, practice keeping your hands away

    good luck


  7. Go Punk and wear short chains from the belt to your wrists

  8. use an esatic band around your wirst, snap it every time you rub ur eyes, eventually it'll stop.

  9. well first you need to find out why you're rubbing your eye. if it's because your not getting enough sleep you should sleep earlier. if its because of eye irritation you should use eye drops or change the makeup you are using. also, wear waterproof mascara so it doesn't smudge as much.

    hope this helps! :]

  10. Instead of rubbing them and putting chili powder or whatever else, just blink your eyes or close them for a few seconds. ..

    FYI putting chili powder on your hand will only mess your make up MORE bc then you're eyes will get all watery..  

  11. rub chilli inot your hands

    dont really

    i rubbed my eye after eating food with chillni in it it was painful

    but yeh id jsut make sure you buy good make up to reduce eye irritation

    cuz you might need ot tich your eyes less often that way

  12. I guess it's like l*****g your lips after you have just glossed them, you have to remember how nice you looked when you applied the make up in the first place, maybe take a small mirror out with you and when you feel like rubbing your eyes check them in the mirror. I'm no expert it's just a suggestion, hope it helps.

  13. Ok well my advice is to get some makeup from the natural collection. (you can get this from boots)   you may be having a reaction to the mascara your using. hope this helps x

  14. Get enough sleep so you won't be tired and won't have to rub your eyes? I don't know i would have to know the reason why you were rubbing your eyes.

  15. You could be allergic to your makeup or you should just stop putting makeup(its not so good for you) You cant really stop your rubbing your eyes thing, sorry. but good luck with that.

  16. lol wear heavier make-up so u wont forget ur wearing it. lol

  17. Easy, as soon as they itch, scratch ONLY where the itch is with the edge of a long fingernail - it rubs off minimal makeup and is easy to reapply.  

  18. get enough sleep

    keep telling ur self ur not going to rub ur eyes

    think twice b4 u rub

  19. wear an elastic band around your wrist and ping it so that it hurts a bit everytime you think of rubbing your eyes.xx

  20. Make sure you replace eye make up products regularly, so they're clean and don't irritate your eyes.  Other than that, you're just going to have to remember to keep your fingers out of your eyes.  Sorry.


    You just have to tell yourself don't rub ! And if you REALLY have to rub then do it gently then go check if your make-up is smudged but it shouldn't be if you did it gently !

  22. Put soap on your fingers

  23. Hey, Bruenet - this is going to sound radical, but how about tossing the eye makeup all together?

    I, like you, am a brunette, so have dark brows, lashes, etc.  I chunked all the goo a few years ago and haven't missed it at all.

    Guys, who often like a natural look (though girls don't seem to understand this), have often complimented me on my eyes.  Of course, I am BRAVER than the average woman...

  24. I think it's just something you're going to learn to not do!  I wear make-up and I don't rub my eyes because I know that the make-up will smudge and smear.  I think you'll just have to remember not to rub your eyes.

  25. think of other things....AHA

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