
Please help me convince my mom to homeschool me?

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my mom thinks that i would get a better education in public schools. I know i can get a better one with homeschool. plus i wouldnt have to deal with the pressure of other students and it would save her money on school clothes and such.... can you help me find a way to show her it would be better this way and alot of people get a way better education with homeschool!!! i just dont think shes taking me seriously.





  1. well, try to show her how mature you can be about it. tell her that you think that public school cant educate you as well as being home schooled because there are a lot less distractions at home. write a pros and cons list(good and bad, comparisons) and hand it over to her. tell her that this is why you really want her to seriously consider you as an adult who feels she knows what is a better situation for you. tell her that even if she needed you to do a little extra around that house that you'll do it because public school isn't in your best interest. hopefully she'll cave because she'll realize how responsible and adult you've been through the ordeal. hope i helped and good luck!

  2. Here's an idea that's a little radical, but if you are convinced that you'll do better at homeschooling, it might be worth the risk.

    Tell your mother that you'll compromise, Let you try it out for a year, and she'll see great improvement in all the subjects across the curriculum, (all 4.0 avg.) and if not, you'll repeat the year in regular Public School. If it's your last straw at getting her to agree to Homeschooling it just might do the trick.

  3. There are many benefits

    Many people don't consider home schooling thier children, because they are afraid thier children will miss out on socialization. According to the U.S. Department of Education, it is estimated that 1.7 percent of all students participate in a home schooling program. A greater number of parents are turning to home schooling as an option for educating their children.

    This concept once only included the idea of parents assuming the responsibility of educating their own children. Today, the modern home school has evolved to include the use of computers and other technically-advanced equipment. Although home schooling has the predominant form of education throughout history, many people consider it to be a new concept.

    Why are parents choosing home schooling more and more? There are many benefits. You can customize your curriculum (just as k12 does). Home schooling enables students to participate in a curriculum that is tailored to their needs. They can focus on specific areas of interest or other areas that require extra attention. Your chouces are many. You can choose a free online charter school, private online schools, an online curriculum or text book based curriculum.

    You can use different learning methods, so students don't have to sit at a desk all day. They might go on a field trip to a historical place, explore nature at a park, or visit a science camp. There are many free sites where you can learn about the things that you see on these kinds of field trips too. E Field Trips and National Park Curriculum is available for free to everyone.

    Most home school based curriculum is self-paced, so if students require extra help on an assignment or want additional challenges, they can learn as fast or as slow as they choose. In a traditional school setting , the teacher can't always slow down and go over an area that a few students may not understand as well as the rest of the class. This is how so many kids today "get lost" and are left behind. A situation like this is easily avoided at home.

    Having a flexible schedule is a great benefit. Home schooling provides students with more options than a traditional classroom. Students can set their own schedule and learn at any time. If they want to take a test at night, they have the freedom to do so. They are learning on their own terms. Many sites are free offering help for children in all subjects through free worksheets, games and activities.

    There are fewer social distractions for children at home. Home schooling allows students to learn without the worry or interference of social distractions. They are not faced with the social pressures of regular school. They can focus on their work and not what another kid in the class might be saying or doing. You don't have to worry about bad influences that your child might have at school (drugs, alcohol, the wrong crowd etc). If you teach your child a certain set of morals and values, they will not learn something entirely different as they may have in a traditional school setting.

    Home schooling enables students to get one-on-one attention from their teacher. Whether they are learning from a parent or online teacher, they can get immediate attention for all of their educational needs.

    A home schooling program can provide students with choices. It gives them an alternative to the traditional classroom. Whether they choose home schooling for academic, safety or social reasons, they can be in charge of their education. It enables them to create an individualized learning experience.

    For many children this is definitely a good option. A student needs to be self disciplined enough to do the school work daily. If a student is dedicated to being home schooled and can appreciate it, they can be successful !  

  4. I'm being home schooled now and I have this advice DON'T unless you're very motivated and have ALOT of association

  5. Homeschooling isn't for every one.  Your mother may feel a little intimidated.  One of the things public school officials do is make parents feel that they aren't good enough to teach their own children.  You may contact me if your mom would like to ask questions.  Or Google homeschooling.  Also contact Home school legal defense association they can give you information on the legalities and how your state reacts to home schools.

    Please consider if you are giving her grief on home work for public school you may not be ready for home school either.  You must have a consistent work ethic.  Also look into 4-H as an alternative to what some call 'socialization'.  I'd recommend 4-H anyway no mater what you decide on the homeschooling front.  Its a great way to learn and become a well rounded person.  You don't get that in public schools.

  6. Here's a helpful blog about talking to your parents baout homeschooling...

    And here's some general information to get you started so you can talk to your mom about the facts

    Above all be respectful and calm, no whining. State the facts and try and find other homeschool parents that she can talk to and relate to. Look for a support group in your area.

    Best of Luck!


  7. Depending on what state you are in, check out the k12/Virtual Academy.  Many states have public school online.  My kids do it and love it.  You can move fast if you want, and on your timeline (morning ,afternoon, or evening) and best of all it is free.  You receive a laptop, printer/scanner, and your books.  

    It is great help for kids who find traditional school hard to attend due to illness, attendence issues, or shyness.

    Try it, it can't hurt!

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