
Please help me correct my grammar?

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Body dysmorphic disorder has occurred to almost every teenager about his or her physical appearance for physical attraction. For example, a seventeen year-old female, named Mary, has small b*****s that fit A-cup bra size, and she thinks boys would not have a long-term relationship with any girl with A-cup size, because of her breast size that makes her look twelve. She decides to undergo a plastic surgery to receive breast implants for to make her b*****s larger and look "mature" so the boys would feel physically attracted to her.




  1. Some of these are a bit nit-picky on my part, and some of them COULD be left, but changing them either makes a bit more sense or makes it flow more smoothly.

    Corrections will have * around them.

    Things which can be taken out but don't necessarily have to be will have () around them.

    Body dysmorphic disorder has occurred *in* almost every teenager *concerning* his or her physical appearance (*or* physical attraction). For example, a *seventeen-year-old* female named Mary has small b*****s that fit A-cup bra size, and she thinks boys would not have a long-term relationship with any girl with A-cup size, because her breast size makes her look twelve. She decides to undergo plastic surgery to receive breast implants to make her b*****s larger and look "mature" so the boys would feel physically attracted to her.

    I took out a few commas and prepositions which were misplaced, but didn't star them. You'll probably notice them. (:

    You'd probably wanna break up your second sentence too (Mary's story). How's this?:

    For example, a seventeen-year-old female named Mary has small b*****s that fit A-cup bra size. She thinks boys would not have a long-term relationship with her because her breast size makes her look twelve. She decides to undergo plastic surgery to receive breast implants to make her b*****s larger and more "mature" so the boys would feel physically attracted to her.

  2. 1. Dash between seventeen and year in the second line

    2. No comma after female and Mary in the third line

    3. Second sentence is a run-on. Take out the comma and and after size in the third line and capitalize she (creating a new sentence)


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