
Please help me dads credit ?

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ok we applied for a apartment an we where almost all the way done when they said my dad has a 1100$ phone bill ya i know my fault i talk to much but we paid it off 3 months later and now its on my dads credit report 3 years later but we paid it off so how do we get it off the credit report since we paid it off 3 years ago

thank you very much im 15 bye the way just tryin to help my dad out




  1. If your Dad paid the bill off, but it's showing as if he still owes the money, you need to contact that creditor and demand they update their records to the credit bureaus. You can also dispute the entry directly with the credit bureaus that are reporting it, and they will contact the collection agency for you to get it updated.

    I hope you take this lesson to heart! Bad credit will hurt you for 7 years in the form of higher interest rates, higher insurance costs, and maybe getting turned down for apartments and jobs. A little bit of self control will make your life much easier in the long run!

  2. Not much you can do to get it off. If it shows up as paid it should not be to much of a problem.  He has another 4 years before it won't show up at all.  

  3. I would say to get a letter from that creditor saying the bill was paid in full. Credit takes 7 years to clear up but the letter will help. I went to buy a house and had to show the proof of payment to get my loan approved.

  4. Dispute this online.

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