
Please help me decide between a rabbit and a guinea pig...?

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ok so i was on craigslist looking for pets to adopt [rodents only] and i came across a female guinea pig in a town 15 minutes away!!!yay i am excited and then i found two rabbits 45 minutes away...which makes a better pet?? please help me and tell me how i should ask my parents for them...cause they have to take me and all...thanks much!!!:):):)




  1. guinnea pigs are less likely to bite. only one in 200 bite. x rabbitts are more fun to watch mind you x

  2. well in my opinion i would pick a quinea pig.

    guinea pigs are very very nice like.

    i've never seen one get aggressive or even bite.:]

    you should get a guinea pig end of story  

  3. guinipig are so good though u get atached to them and thy only have a short life   : (

  4. I had a guinea pig (named Pokey :D ) and loved him to death! In my opinion, they make great pets, are absolutely adorable, and are actually pretty smart too. On the other hand, my friend had a couple rabbits and they just seemed to smell...she couldn't let them out of their cage because they would hop away. I used to let Pokey out in the yard and in my room all the time and he'd just kinda chill with me.

    I would definitely recommend getting the guinea pig, they're a lot of fun! As for asking your parents, are they ok with you getting a pet? As long as they are, asking them to take you 15 minutes to get the guinea pig shouldn't be a big deal. If you're trying to convince them to let you get a pet, just show them that you are responsible enough to handle it by taking care of your things, cleaning your room, all that good stuff.

    Good luck and have fun! : )

  5. hi there!! i think rabbits because there is less smell with rabbits that's only if they are a doe bucks spray there pee everywhere!! g/pigs they smell real bad they just smell like pigs and are harder to tame!!but at the end of the day the choice is yours!! good luck!! xx  

    ps. i adopted a g/pig and a rabbit and because they were treated real bad where they came from they would bite alot i have them now about 6months and they are starting to come round!  g/ping and rabbits cant live together as the g/pig will pull the fur out of the rabbit!!

  6. if you are more hands on with your animals wanting to constantly play and stroke them i would reccomend a guinea pig because they are more likely to want to play with you


    Good Luck and think hard about your decision because you dont want to regret it !!!


  7. We raise rabbits and guinea pigs and personally I prefer the guinea pigs. They tend to be more friendly.

  8. Guinea pig

    reason one - they don't bite and rabbits are more prone to biting

    reason two - they are better to handle as rabbits are more difficult to handle being alot bigger

    reason 3 - don't get as smelly as rabbits and can be kept inside

    just cuter and better pets all round, no more or less care than rabbits but make sure you spend the time with them - I have 2 and they watch the telly whilst being my hot water bottle on my chest!

  9. either one make great no wonderful pets but guinea pigs are sometimes more friendly.

  10. I would say rabbits. I've recently gotten two wee bunnies. they are adorable and they've made me fell in love with them when i first saw them! Rabbits can be litter trained and I'm not too sure if Guinea pigs can. Guinea pigs are noisy!! those lil sound they make ( but i have to ad mitt it is cute ) rabbits are such lovely pets, I've only got mine for about three weeks and we've bonded all ready ( but i have had 4 before). Oh and you can take rabbits on walks!!!!! its sooo cute. Well it depends on the rabbit really their personality etc. But have a look at the guineas and the rabbits don't rush it. Remember both of these animals need a looot of commitment.

    If you wanna ask anything about rabbits go on there are many rabbit owners happy to help you out with ANY questions

    All up to you. =]              

  11. rabbits probably have a longer life span.

    Personally i don't like guinea pigs. I have 2 rabbits. Both guinea pigs and rabbits probably need around the same level of care.

  12. guinea pigs are cute  

  13. Guineas are less temperamental than rabbits and don't need all the injections rabbits need.  Plus they make cute noises and enjoy being handled (rabbits prefer to sit nearby)

    Guineas don't burrow, and they can easily live as long as a rabbit.

    Guineas can eat most veggies except raw potato and lettuce, but rabbits can't have lettuce or tomato.

    Guineas don't smell as quickly as rabbits do, and are less messy.

    I have kept guineas and rabbits for over 15 years, and always found the guineas more rewarding (and therefore am more upset when they die!)


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