Last night I had a dream that I was at a football game (which I had been to a high school one last night), but I was behind the school kissing a boy and then he started pressuring me to do other stuff, and I didn't want to. So he hit me, and I ran off crying.
And I was looking around for one of my friends, but instead ran into my ex, who hates me by the way, but he asked me what was wrong and held me.
He kept trying to comfort me while I just cried into his shirt, and then he kissed me. But the boy I had run from came up and pulled me away from him, hitting my ex telling him to leave me the ... alone. But my ex stood up for me, and then took me home to make sure I was safe.
I just don't get it, because he hates me for some reason, and yes, I still like him somewhat, but I was getting over it then BAM! this dream.
P.S. sorry it's so long.