
Please help me.. eczema ????

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Ok so I have had this eczema on my hand for over 6 months the doctors have given my 3 diff kinds of cream and nothing seems to help. Its located on my right hand the 3 middle fingers and some of the palm of my hand. This is the hand I use all the time and it interferes with my normal tasks. Today its so sore and painful that the pain goes all the way down to my middle arm, i dont know what to do no more and I cant live with this pain and nothing seems to help it. Please any ideas on what to do????




  1. arring better try to avoid scratching the skin for a break in the skin can cause secondary skin infections.  stop the itch and prevent eczema from flaring up by getting the skin naturally moisturized. and better keep fingernails short for you might forget sometimes that you have accidentally scratch it.  

    try also avoiding a lot of things that can trigger eczema like:

    - avoid perfumed skin care and body care products

    - avoid extreme hot and cold weather conditions

    - avoid keeping fingernails long

    - avoid scratching the affected area

    - avoid long baths

    - avoid processed foods

    - avoid skin irritants and allergens

    - avoid clothes and material that are rough, course, scratchy and tight

    - avoid activities that can  make you sweat

    - avoid smoking and alcohol

    these tips might be helpful in keeping the skin away from eczema flares.  be gentle with your skin. visit for more tips on how to rejuvenate skin.

  2. Hi,

    It sounds to me that you are using the wrong cream!!

    Don't use it anymore and go back to your docter, this is not normal

    Please visit a docter as soon as possible!

  3. Part of the problem is excessive dryness. I was told this buy my doctor when I had active eczema. The act of taking moisture (washing your hands) and lotioning them again (replacing moisture) is part of the problem. Maybe try using purelle (which works better than hand soap) till the rash is gone. Constantly keep your hands moisturized, maybe get one of the moisture gloves for you hands. Certain types of lotions are good for eczema too.

    Keep trying different creams, there is one out there that is right for you.

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