
Please help me explain what this quote means" we must be the change we wish to see in the world"?

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  1. its like if u want to see somin good in da world u r da 1s who have 2 change

  2. What change (s) do you want to see in this world, and you be the example. It´s  another way of saying, ¨Do unto others as you wish done to you¨. Hope you understand and it all starts with mutual respect.

  3. mahatma ghandi. my favourite quote. it means if you wish for something you dont like in the world to change, stand up...and do something about it. fight for the things you want to be different. dont just wait for it to change by itself.

  4. Its simple..

    If you want to see some change.. You have to change your view..

    or the other way around..

    If you want everyone to be truthfull.. Then you must start to be true to your life..

  5. This means that if you want to see change, you/we must make changes we wish to see.  We/you must stand up for what you believe in.  Write congress, president, all government and make your voice heard.  If we/you do not wish to see litter on street, volunteer to clean a stretch of road.........if you want something to change you/we must take an active approach and start process of change.  If we/you do not like something, we must speak up.

  6. People talk about wanting there to be changes, but only a few actually make changes. So what it means is that WE need to change to change the world. Don't talk about it, BE about it.

  7. We must be the engine of change we wish to see in the world.  In other words practice what you preach.  Lead by example.  Do as you say.

  8. It was Ghandi, as Ordinary Jane said, and Obama "lifted" it from him, without attribution ( which is a definition of plagiarism.)

  9. It means if we are hoping for change, it's going to have to start with us.

    Let's say I'm worried about the homeless population and I want to see it change for the better.

    Am I just going to sit around and worry about it, or am I going to move my butt and help these people?

    If I hope for true change then it's up to me to start changing it.

    Get it?

  10. If you don't do something about something that you want changed, it won't happen.

    Stand up for what you believe in.

    "To be is to do".  Emanuel Kant.

    "To do is to be".  Nietsche.

    "Do be do be do".  Sinatra.

  11. in the simplest terms i can think of  practice what you preach. live the way you wish others to live

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